Honeysuckle - Red Rum at Nature Hills Nursery store

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    • Honeysuckle - Red Rum

        Honeysuckle - Red Rum
        The Red Rum Honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii, is a deciduous shrub that grows to 8' to 12'. It produces masses of white flowers that mature to yellow followed by profusion of 1/4" bright red fruit persisting into winter. It has an upright vase shape. Leaves acquire a yellow fall color. Excellent as winter wildlife food source, windbreaks and landscaping. Adaptable to poor soils and is shade tolerant.

        More information or Buy online Honeysuckle - Red Rum

      Daisy Favor

        Daisy Favor
        He loves me, he loves me not. Great for showers, weddings, and any festive event, these beautiful packets feature one of the world's favorite flowers. Seed inside is the Shasta Daisy variety, a valued perennial that gardeners love. Packet size is 2 1/2 x 3 3/4. daisy flower seeds, daisy seed packets instock 4742 Nature Hills Nursery, Inc.
        904  Forget Me Not http://www.naturehills.com/new/product/seed_favor_packets_products.aspx?product=904&Campaign_id=69&user=shareasale 0.79 http://www.naturehills.com/new/images/favors_forget_me_not.jpg http://www.naturehills.com/new/images/favors_forget_me_not_small.jpg 0.1185 11 95 One of the all-time favorite wildflowers for giveaways. Perfect for your club meeting, business event, or as a drop-in for mailings to your customers. Packets are 2 1/2 x 3 3/4.

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      Scotch Pine

        Scotch Pine
        The Scotch Pine tree, Pinus Sylvestris, is a conifer that is a native of Europe and is widely used as a Christmas Tree. It is a fast growing, irregularly shaped tree. The evergreen foliage consists of short, twisted needles, which are bluish-green and often change to yellow-green in winter. It is a very winter hardy tree and is well suited throughout the Great Plains and Southern Canada. It can reach a height of six feet in six years with good care. When used in windbreaks, it should be placed in east or south inside rows and works best in partial shade to full sun. Older trees have orange-colored bark in the crown. It is a hardy tree that grows rapidly for a pine tree.

        More information or Buy online Scotch Pine

      TerraSorb Medium

        TerraSorb Medium
        About the Terra Sorb Medium:Non-toxic, non-hazardous to the environment, and compatible with fertilizer and other "green" industry chemicals. Horticultural grade, medium, for planting, seeding, sod, flower beds, and potting mixes.

        More information or Buy online TerraSorb Medium

      Baby's Breath

        Baby's Breath
        This is the annual version of the florist's favorite, commonly used with roses. This baby's breath is single, with larger single flowers. It is one of the quickest blooming flowers in the plant kingdom, in flower only 3-4 weeks after sprouting. This packet is a natural for baby shower favors and for weddings. Gypsophila elegans. Packets are 2 1/2 x 3 3/4".

        More information or Buy online Baby's Breath

      Nutri Pak - flowering plants

        Nutri Pak - flowering plants
        About the Nutri Pak Fertilizer for roses and flowering plants: Nutri Pak Fertilizer for flowers is a 1 year 15-20-15 formula that comes in 1/2 ounce packets.

        More information or Buy online Nutri Pak - flowering plants

      Wildflower Full Size

        Wildflower Full Size
        A meadow in full bloom! This new standard size seed packet features a sunfilled photo of bright red poppies, lush blue cornflowers and more. Great for any occasion, party, meeting or mailing, when a small high-quality gift is needed. Seed mixture inside is of favorites including poppies and cornflowers that will grow and bloom quickly anywhere. Standard size is 3 1/4 x 4 1/2.

        More information or Buy online Wildflower Full Size

      Douglas Fir

        Douglas Fir
        The Douglas Fir tree, Pseudotsuga menziessi glauca, is a splendid pyramidal evergreen. It has many common names such as, Interior fir, Rocky Mountain, Douglas-fir, Douglas, yellow or red spruce, Oregon pine,and Douglastree. Douglas Fir trees have dark green or blueish green needles. It is a rapid growing hardy tree that grows well in a variety of soils. This conifer tree is a beautiful Christmas tree or a picturesque ornamental tree. It is used as a windbreak tree and it can also be sheared as a hedge.

        More information or Buy online Douglas Fir

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