Overcup Oak at Nature Hills Nursery store

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    • Overcup Oak

        Overcup Oak
        The Overcup Oak tree, Quercus lyrata, is a long-lived, very sturdy shade tree that will thrive in a wide variety of soil conditions. This oak tree is long overlooked by growers; the tree is just starting to be more popular and thus more readily available for home landscapes. An important tree in difficult urban landscaping situations with uniform branching forming a rounded shape with an open crown. The Overcup Oak has brilliant reddish or gray brown bark and displays leathery dark green leaves in summer. Fall color is a rich yellow-brown. The Overcup oak is easy to transplant and tolerates most soil conditions and partial shade to full sun. Acorns are produced annually and are relatively small, usually between 1/2 an 1 inch. The oak tree derives it's name from the acorn cap that very nearly covers the acorn. The tree can produce very prolific acorn crops but generally does not begin to produce for 15 + years. Overcup Oak trees can create wildlife habitat on land where most oak species can not survive.

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      Ponderosa Pine

        Ponderosa Pine
        The Ponderosa Pine, Pinus Ponderosa, will grow on most soils including very sandy soils and sites with very little topsoil. Once established, it is very drought resistant. With good care, Ponderosa Pine trees will grow to a height of six feet in six years, starting with a 2 year old seedling. It is a tall stately tree that is widely used in windbreaks. The Ponderosa Pine is the most frequently planted of the large, long-needled native pines. The soft dark green needles, 6-10 inches long, are arranged in bundles of three. Cones are 3 to 5 inches long. It is sometimes called Western Yellow Pine or Bull Pine. This evergreen conifer tree thrives in full sun and poor soil, and it is one of the tallest and most important timber pines in the western states.

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      Indigo Bush-False Indigo

        Indigo Bush-False Indigo
        The False Indigo Bush, Amorpha fruticosa, is a somewhat leggy shrub, whose height can range from 6 to 20 feet tall,and 5 to 15 feet wide. Fragrant foliage has the compound pinnate leaves typical of the Pea family, often most bushy on the upper third of the shrub. Flowers are 1/3-inch wide, purple-blue with orange anthers, on 3- to 6-inch upright spikes. Fruit is a warty, kidney shaped pod, persisting into winter. This deciduous shrub does well in full sun and poor, sandy soil. Needs pruning in late winter or early spring to keep shaped. Useful as a large shrub or small tree in areas where there is plenty of water available. Native from Connecticut to Minnesota, south to Louisiana and Florida. This bush attracts butterflies.

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      American Maidenhair Fern

        American Maidenhair Fern
        The American maidenhair fern is a deciduous, clump-forming fern which typically grows 1.5 to 2' tall and is most frequently found on rich wooded slopes, ravine bottoms and damp shady woods. Features finely-textured, somewhat frilly fronds which have curved stalks and are palmately-divided (i.e., fronds divide into finger-like projections). Wiry stems are reddish-brown to black. Crosiers (coiled young fiddleheads) emerge pink in spring.

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      Hot Bed Weeder

        Hot Bed Weeder
        About the Hot Bed Weeder: The weeder offers a steel flexible blade and is 4 pounds.

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      Drought Tolerant Mix

        Drought Tolerant Mix
        This proven mixture offers full flower color and a great spread of species for places with little rainfall, or those areas that are difficult to water. Like any seed, this drought-tolerant mix requires moisture to sprout, but is quite self-sufficient once growth begins. This premium mix includes 24 wildflowers: 12 annuals for first-year color. Plus 12 perennials/biennials for second and successive years? bloom.

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      How-to Create your own Wildflower Meadow Video

        How-to Create your own Wildflower Meadow Video
        How-To video. American Meadows' own 30-minute, step-by-step video: "How to Create your own Wildflower Meadow." All you need to know from site preparation, sowing, and care of seedlings, all the way to fall mowing. VHS video was shot at American Meadow's own Wildflower Farm, features expert staff, and shows meadow after meadow in full bloom, all set to beautiful music.

        More information or Buy online How-to Create your own Wildflower Meadow Video

      Honeysuckle - Red Rum

        Honeysuckle - Red Rum
        The Red Rum Honeysuckle, Lonicera maackii, is a deciduous shrub that grows to 8' to 12'. It produces masses of white flowers that mature to yellow followed by profusion of 1/4" bright red fruit persisting into winter. It has an upright vase shape. Leaves acquire a yellow fall color. Excellent as winter wildlife food source, windbreaks and landscaping. Adaptable to poor soils and is shade tolerant.

        More information or Buy online Honeysuckle - Red Rum

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