The Bartlett Pear tree produces a pear that is bright yellow. It is the nations leading pear variety. They tend to bear fruit for up to 50 to 75 years on a good site. The fruit is aromatic and is outstanding for fresh eating. Along with its very sweet and juicy flavor for eating, it is widely used for canning and cooking because of its excellent taste. The Bartlett Pear trees are self-pollinating. They do require bees to help pollinate. Bartlett Pears do not ripen properly on the tree, so growers pick the fruit when it is mature but green.
River Birch
The River Birch tree, Betula Nigra, is a very handsome tree for estates, parks, golf courses and any other large areas. It displays a light reddish brown cinnamon bark that peels and flakes to give that beautiful look that the birch family is noted for. Plant as a specimen, or as a windbreak, plant 20? apart in the row. It is excellent in wet soil. The River Birch has dark green summer foliage and turns a golden yellow in the fall. Best adapted to moist, acid soils, but will survive dry soils. Not bothered by the bronze birch borer. Native, graceful branching, easy to transplant; best not to prune in spring - sap "bleeds" and is heat tolerant. This deciduous tree can withstand extended periods of flooding. The River Birch trees are beautiful in the summer and winter, are widely adaptable, and heat tolerant.
Paper Birch
The Paper Birch tree, Betula papyrifera, is also known as a Paper Birch, White Birch, Canoe Birch. Paper Birch trees are the most widely distributed (east to west) of all North American birches. The graceful form and attractive white bark of paper birch make it a prized species for ornamental planting and landscaping around homes and public buildings. On young trees, trunk bark is reddish-brown but turns to its characteristic white colour as the tree matures. The trunk generally divides into several arching branches. This deciduous tree tolerates alkaline soils well. Paper birch are fast growing trees.
Fertilizer Stakes - Fruit Trees
About the Ross Fertilizer Stakes - fruit trees: Ross specially packs stakes in a big 40-Pak box. One application usually lasts all year. A 8-16-16 formula specifically for fruit and ornamental trees.
Southwest Mix
For AZ, Southern CA, NM, Southern NV, TX, OK. This mixture is specially blended to handle the variable climates of the southwest, from long droughts to soaking rains. Results are particularly colorful featuring cosmos, lupine and red poppy, plus perennials including purple coneflower and gloriosa daisy. Sow as rainy season begins in mild areas; in the mountains, after spring frosts. Includes 26 wildflowers: 18 annuals for first-year color. Plus 8 hardy perennials for second and successive years? bloom.
Japanese Spurge - Silveredge
Silveredge' has thin silver-white margins 'Silveredge' is a slower growing variegated form of Japanese Spurge .An old-time ground cover plant with versatile modern day use. Evergreen the year round, self-sustaining and always looks well. Ideal for partly shaded or full shade areas. Once established, a PACHYSANDRA planting will eliminate grass cutting and weeding. Your lawn work stops where this plant starts. PACHYSANDRA is the only satisfactory plant that will grow as a ground cover under Pine Trees. This plant is used extensively under large spreading trees, back of buildings or in other situations too shady for grass to grow. PACHYSANDRA will transform otherwise bare and ugly ground areas into attractive year-round cover. It is also very effective as a border plant along paths or driveway edgings. Plant 6 inches apart.
Tree Shelter - 3 feet
About the Tree Shelter - 3 feet: The Tree Shelter - 3 feet is UV stabilized for outdoor use, with an anticipated life span of 5-7 years. It is recommended for use in areas that receive six hours of direct sunlight each day. The Tree Shelter has an average diameter of 4 inches.
Overcup Oak
The Overcup Oak tree, Quercus lyrata, is a long-lived, very sturdy shade tree that will thrive in a wide variety of soil conditions. This oak tree is long overlooked by growers; the tree is just starting to be more popular and thus more readily available for home landscapes. An important tree in difficult urban landscaping situations with uniform branching forming a rounded shape with an open crown. The Overcup Oak has brilliant reddish or gray brown bark and displays leathery dark green leaves in summer. Fall color is a rich yellow-brown. The Overcup oak is easy to transplant and tolerates most soil conditions and partial shade to full sun. Acorns are produced annually and are relatively small, usually between 1/2 an 1 inch. The oak tree derives it's name from the acorn cap that very nearly covers the acorn. The tree can produce very prolific acorn crops but generally does not begin to produce for 15 + years. Overcup Oak trees can create wildlife habitat on land where most oak species can not survive.
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- Sweetshrub
- Forget Me Not
- Arborvitae - Globe
- Honeysuckle - Red Rum
- Weigela - Pink
- Windowsill Herbs
- Butterfly Bush - White
- Chinese Chestnut