Sassafras Tree
The Sassafras tree, Sassafrax variifolium, also known as the Sassafrac, Saxifrac, Smelling Stick, Aguetree, and Cinnamonwood tree. This widespread Eastern U.S. native is ideal for naturalistic landscaping. Sassafras is a native tree, growing in rich woods from southern Maine to Ontario, Michigan, and Kansas and south to Florida and Texas. The sassafras occurs in the North as a shrub, but in the Southern States it sometimes attains a height of 100 feet. This deciduous tree has leaves that are shaped like a mitten. The yellowish green, fragrant flowers are borne in clusters which appear in early spring. The fruit, which ripens in September, is about the size of a pea. All parts of the tree are aromatic. The bark of the root, which is in reasonably constant demand is collected in spring or autumn. The production of sassafras oil by distillation of the root and root bark is a small industry in the southeastern section of the country. Leaves are a medium green and turn orange, red, or yellow in fall.
Spiraea - Goldflame
The Spiraea ?Gold Flame?, Spiraea x bumalda, is easily grown in average, medium wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. It tolerates a wide range of soils. Prune in late winter to early spring. Gold Flame Spiraea cultivar is a dense, upright, compact, mounded deciduous shrub which typically grows to 2-4' tall with a similar spread. Profuse white flowers in small corymbs cover the arching stems of this plant in late spring. Flowers and leaves all appear on the same side of the arching branches. Flowers are attractive to butterflies. It has narrow leaved, dark blue-green foliage. It has no serious insect or disease problems, and is effective in borders, foundation plantings or hedges.
Lilac - White Persian
The White Persian Lilac, Syringa x persica 'alba', is a spreading, graceful shrub with arching branches, reaching 4 to 8 feet in height, 5 to 10 feet spread. This deciduous shrub has dark green foliage. The pale lilac flowers are fragrant, late spring blooming, abundantly produced on 2 to 3 inch long panicles. A reasonably compact lilac for the smaller garden, and shrub border. Introduced 1614.
Paw Paw
The Paw Paw tree, Asimina triloba, is a multi-stemmed shrub or small tree with short trunk and rounded top that presents a semi-tropical appearance. PawPaw trees average about 15' in height at maturity. It prospers in moist soils and when placed at the edge of a wooded area as an understory tree. It is recognized by its ?sleepy? summer foliage and nodding bright purple flowers in the spring. The unusual 3-lobed flowers are followed by a black, edible berry, with a taste similar to banana-pear with a custard consistency. This deciduous trees is growing in popularity largely because of the edible fruit it produces. These highly nutritous oval fruits get 2 to 5 inches long, and turn yellow-orange when ripe. The fruit is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. Two trees are necessary for pollination reasons. Fall color is a brilliant yellow.
Improved Duarte
The Improved Duarte Plum tree produces very large fruit that is heart shaped and blood red in color. The flavor is excellent and widely regarded as one of the best tasting plums on the market. The fruit dries well and has a long storage life. The fruit has a slightly tart taste when cooked. The tree is a prolific producer of fine quality plums.
Golden Delicious
The Golden Delicious apple is an excellent all purpose cooking apple. This apple has firm, white flesh that retains its shape when baked or cooked. Its rich mellow flavor, sweet and crisp, is an asset to any recipe.You can cut down the sugar in pies and sauces made from Golden Delicious apples. The skin is so tender and thin that you can skip peeling for many recipes. It is also outstanding when used in a fruit bowl and for fresh fruit.
Daisy Seed Kit
The Daisy Seed Starting Kit includes a terra cotta pot with packets of soil and the Daisy seeds tucked inside the pot. The terra cotta pot is covered with a saucer that is decoratively tied on the top and wrapped with trim. Each kit contains a gift card with growing instructions. The kit is packaged for presentation and is bubble wrapped and packed in a white gift box. A perfect gift for the avid gardener!
Virginia Creeper
Virginia creeper is a fast-growing, high-climbing vine that attaches itself with tendrils which expand, disk-like, on their tips. The deciduous leaves that radiate outward from a leaf stem, like spokes on a wheel. Each leaflet is about 3"-7" long and an inch or two wide. The leaves turn fiery red in fall and are very showy. The individual flowers are tiny and inconspicuous, and arranged in elaborate long-stemmed clusters, with each flower at the tip of its own flower stem. The berries are blue-black, less than a half-inch across and much relished by birds. Easy to grow, Virginia creeper can get out of hand if not managed. It will send up sprouts and seed itself, and established plantings may smother shrubs and trees. Virginia creeper will thrive in most soils, in sun or partial shade, with or without a structure to climb on. Virginia creeper is favored for its brilliant fall foliage and as a manitenance-free ground cover. When allowed to clamber over trees or other tall structures, it develops elongated leafy festoons that are especially showy. Where there is nothing to climb, it attaches to the ground with adventitious roots, and makes an excellent cover for slopes or other places where grass is not practical or desired.
May we also suggest the following products:
- Siberian Elm
- Weigela - Pink
- Weigela - Red Prince
- Tree Trainer
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- Honeysuckle - Red Rum
- Willow Hybrid
- Pink Flowering Dogwood