Cherry Bark Oak
The Cherrybark Oak tree, Quercus falcata var. pagodifolia, is also called bottomland red oak, red oak, swamp red oak, swamp Spanish oak, and Elliott oak. Cherrybark Oak trees are a highly-valued red oak in the South. It is larger and better formed than southern red oak and commonly grows on more moist sites. This deciduous tree has heavy strong wood which makes it an excellent timber tree; it is used for furniture and interior finish. Many wild animals and birds use the acorns as food. This tree is also a pleasant shade tree and is a fast growing Oak tree.
Japanese Spurge - Green Carpet
An old-time ground cover plant that grows to 6-8" high with versatile modern day use. Evergreen the year round, self-sustaining and always looks well. Ideal for partly shaded or full shade areas. Once established, a PACHYSANDRA planting will eliminate grass cutting and weeding. Your lawn work stops were this plant starts. PACHYSANDRA is the only satisfactory plant that will grow as a ground cover under Pine Trees. This plant is used extensively under large spreading trees, back of buildings or in other situations too shady for grass to grow. PACHYSANDRA will transform otherwise bare and ugly ground areas into attractive year-round cover. It is also very effective as a border plant along paths or driveway edgings. Plant 6 inches apart.
The Rainier Cherry tree produces sweet, large, yellow fruit with a red blush. The fruit is firm and the flesh is fine-textured and clear to light yellow. Fans of the Rainier appreciate the creamy-yellow flesh, which gives the blush of the skin a sunny undertone. The sweetness is what keeps them coming back for more. The Rainier has a distinct sweet flavor. It is a very productive tree that resists cracking, spurs and doubles. The tree will pollinate with the Bing Cherry. It will not self-pollinate.
Blue Spruce Seed Kit
The Blue Spruce Tree Seed Starting Kit includes a terra cotta pot with packets of soil and the Blue Spruce seeds tucked inside the pot. The terra cotta pot is covered with a saucer that is decoratively tied on the top and wrapped with trim. Each kit contains a gift card with growing instructions. The kit is packaged for presentation and is bubble wrapped and packed in a white gift box. A perfect gift for the avid gardener!
Midwest Mix
For IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, NE, OH, WI. This premium mixture features our famous native prairie wildflowers, and has been used by homeowners and commercial planters all over the midwest for almost 20 years. Expect a burst of annual color just a few weeks after seeding, plus increased bloom year after year from a great group of perennials. Plant spring or late fall. Includes 27 wildflowers: 12 annuals for first-year color. Plus 15 hardy perennials for second and successive years' bloom.
Rose of Sharon - Ardens
The Ardens Rose of Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus Ardens, is an upright, deciduous shrub is that is vigorous, erect, multi-stemmed shrub that typically grows 8-12' tall. This shrub may also be trained as a single trunk tree or espalier. Leaves are diamond-shaped, dark green, slightly palmate and toothed. 'Ardens' bears blue flowers from late summer until mid-fall. This plant really requires no pruning, unless you need to remove a dead or damaged branch. It has a long, early summer to fall bloom period. This cultivar is a sterile triploid that produces very few if any seed pods. It is an excellent flowering shrub that may be massed, planted in groups, or used as a specimen. The plant is very tolerant of summer heat and humidity. Larger flowers may be obtained by pruning back hard to 2-3 buds in early spring. Otherwise, prune to shape.
Rose of Sharon-Jeanne DArc
The Jeanne D'Arc Rose of Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne D'Arc, is an upright, deciduous shrub that is vigorous, erect, multi-stemmed shrub that typically grows 8-12' tall. This shrub may also be trained as a single trunk tree or espalier. Leaves are diamond-shaped, dark green, slightly palmate and toothed. 'Jeanne D'Arc' bears double white flowers from late summer until mid-fall. This plant really requires no pruning, unless you need to remove a dead or damaged branch. Long, early-summer to fall bloom period. This cultivar is a sterile triploid that produces very few if any seed pods. Excellent flowering shrub that may be massed, planted in groups or used as a specimen. Very tolerant of summer heat and humidity. Larger flowers may be obtained by pruning back hard to 2-3 buds in early spring. Otherwise, prune to shape.
Sassafras Tree
The Sassafras tree, Sassafrax variifolium, also known as the Sassafrac, Saxifrac, Smelling Stick, Aguetree, and Cinnamonwood tree. This widespread Eastern U.S. native is ideal for naturalistic landscaping. Sassafras is a native tree, growing in rich woods from southern Maine to Ontario, Michigan, and Kansas and south to Florida and Texas. The sassafras occurs in the North as a shrub, but in the Southern States it sometimes attains a height of 100 feet. This deciduous tree has leaves that are shaped like a mitten. The yellowish green, fragrant flowers are borne in clusters which appear in early spring. The fruit, which ripens in September, is about the size of a pea. All parts of the tree are aromatic. The bark of the root, which is in reasonably constant demand is collected in spring or autumn. The production of sassafras oil by distillation of the root and root bark is a small industry in the southeastern section of the country. Leaves are a medium green and turn orange, red, or yellow in fall.
May we also suggest the following products:
- Dwarf Red Buckeye
- Weigela - Pink
- Red Maple - October Glory
- Pink Flowering Dogwood
- Chinese Chestnut
- Dwarf Red Buckeye
- Kousa Dogwood
- Mock Orange - Sweet