Cobblestone Mold
Create your own stone walkway or lay your own patio in just an afternoon. In three simple steps you can create a cobblestone.Pour quick-set concrete into the mold on a relatively flat surface. Smooth with a trowel. Wait one minute, lift the mold and move on to the next one.This tough mold is made with recycled plastics and can be used over and over.
Pictorial Guide To Perennials
A guide and identification source of perennial flowers and foliage plants complete with accurate color photos. Concise yet informative plant descriptions for an easy-to-use format not found in other gardening books.Quick references in the section dividers enable most anyone to find the right plant for their planting climate zone, no matter what the level of sun their yard receives.A great gift for both the novice and experienced gardener.
Granny Smith
The Granny Smith apples have been cultivated for at least 140 years. Sour apple fans will tell you that the Granny Smith should not be cooked, but eaten raw. If you crave and enjoy a juicy burst of tartness, this apple is for you. This glorious tree has handsome supermarket-size (up to 3" diameter) apples. Plant these in the yard and you'll be pickin' sweet and hearty apples when the snow flies, because they ripen in early November! That tart flavor really lasts, and stays fresh all winter and spring. Granny Smith is your kind of apple. It is known for keeping its zesty flavor even when it is used for cooking or sautéed.
Purple Wintercreeper Euonymus
Euonymus fortunei (wintercreeper euonymus) is a dense, woody-stemmed, broadleaf evergreen plant which comes in a variety of forms. Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' (commonly called purple wintercreeper euonymus) is primarily a trailing ground cover form which typically grows to 6-9" tall and spreads indefinitely by rooting stems as a sprawling, tangled, bushy mat. It is similar in habit to English ivy (Hedera helix - R450) in that it spreads along the ground, rooting as it goes, until it reaches a vertical surface which it then begins to climb. It features lustrous, ovate to elliptic, dark green leaves (1-2" long) which turn dark purple in fall and winter. Inconspicuous, greenish-white flowers may appear in June. Flowers are at best sparse, but are usually not present. If allowed to climb a wall, tree or other structure, this plant assumes more vine-like characteristics and is more likely to produce flowers, though still sparse and inconspicuous. 'Coloratus' is sometimes sold as Euonymus fortunei var. coloratus. It is one of the most popular evergreen ground covers available in commerce today.
Soil Knife Sheath
About the Soil Knife Sheath: This sheath is pictured with our Soil Knife, which is sold separately.
Purple Wintercreeper Euonymus
Euonymus fortunei (wintercreeper euonymus) is a dense, woody-stemmed, broadleaf evergreen plant which comes in a variety of forms. Euonymus fortunei 'Coloratus' (commonly called purple wintercreeper euonymus) is primarily a trailing ground cover form which typically grows to 6-9" tall and spreads indefinitely by rooting stems as a sprawling, tangled, bushy mat. It is similar in habit to English ivy (Hedera helix - R450) in that it spreads along the ground, rooting as it goes, until it reaches a vertical surface which it then begins to climb. It features lustrous, ovate to elliptic, dark green leaves (1-2" long) which turn dark purple in fall and winter. Inconspicuous, greenish-white flowers may appear in June. Flowers are at best sparse, but are usually not present. If allowed to climb a wall, tree or other structure, this plant assumes more vine-like characteristics and is more likely to produce flowers, though still sparse and inconspicuous. 'Coloratus' is sometimes sold as Euonymus fortunei var. coloratus. It is one of the most popular evergreen ground covers available in commerce today.
Honeysuckle - Winter
The Winter Honeysuckle, Lonicera fragrantissima, is sometimes called Sweet Breath of Spring. It is extremely fragrant (lemony), with creamy white flowers that appear in early spring before the leaves emerge. Flowers are followed by small, somewhat inconspicuous, red berries which mature in late spring to early summer. Oval, dark green foliage sometimes has bluish tinge. Flowers are a harbinger of spring. Budded branches may be cut for an early, fragrant, indoor arrangement. Easily grown in average, dry to medium wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Adapts to wide range of soils, including dry ones, but prefers moist, loamy soils. Prune to shape after flowering.
Cherry Bark Oak
The Cherrybark Oak tree, Quercus falcata var. pagodifolia, is also called bottomland red oak, red oak, swamp red oak, swamp Spanish oak, and Elliott oak. Cherrybark Oak trees are a highly-valued red oak in the South. It is larger and better formed than southern red oak and commonly grows on more moist sites. This deciduous tree has heavy strong wood which makes it an excellent timber tree; it is used for furniture and interior finish. Many wild animals and birds use the acorns as food. This tree is also a pleasant shade tree and is a fast growing Oak tree.
May we also suggest the following products:
- Overcup Oak
- Double Delight
- Royal Fern
- Tree Guard ?
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- Hybrid Poplar
- Crinkle Paper Tree Wrap
- Mock Orange - Sweet