Pink Flowering Dogwood at Nature Hills Nursery store

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    • Pink Flowering Dogwood

        Pink Flowering Dogwood
        The Pink Flowering Dogwood tree, Cornus florida rubra, has very large pink flowers that appear in the early spring before the foliage comes out. The foliage turns a brilliant red in the fall, followed by bright berries which last into the winter. The trees grow to a height of 15 feet. This deciduous tree is the Classic Single Pink flowering beauty. Very popular and widely planted. Pink Flowering Dogwood trees have bright red fruits, which are loved by birds, and mature in early fall and usually persist until the middle of December. The reddish brown wood is extremely hard and has been used to make tool handles. It is a great landcape and ornamental tree.

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      Rambling Red

        Rambling Red
        The Rambling Red rose is a fully double rose with rich medium-red blooms borne in clusters on a vigorous, disease-resistant plant. It is a winter hardy climber/rambler with strong pliable canes. Rambling Red roses are an outstanding addition to the ranks of winter hardy climbers. It is hardy in zones 3-9.

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      Lilac - Korean

        Lilac - Korean
        The Dwarf Korean Lilac, Syringa meyeri 'palibin', is known as a compact but spreading, small-foliaged Lilac with showy late May lavender-purple flowers that are spread over the entire shrub canopy.This deciduous shrub is especially urban tolerant. It is the most common cultivar of the species, valued for its even more compact habit (to 4-6?). Syringa translates from the Greek as "pipe", in reference to the hollow stems. Meyeri is named after F.N. Meyer, who introduced this species to the United States from Northern China in the early 20th century. It is widely used as a foundation, group planting, informal or formal hedge, or specimen shrub.

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      Black Gum

        Black Gum
        The Blackgum tree, Nyssa sylvatica, is also known as the Black Tupelo or Sourgum. Blackgum trees are considered one of our most beautiful native trees. It is thought of as one of the five best shade trees in America. The Black tupelo tree makes an excellent specimen tree with its outstanding summer and fall foliage and habit. It is lovely in a naturalized area. The Blackgum has moderate water requirements, and displays a moderate tolerance to salt and alkali soils. This deciduous trees has outstanding scarlet fall color and displays a lustrous dark green color in the summer. The tree is pyramidal when young and then opens with age. Some branches are pendulous and the right-angled branches are attractive in winter. It is a good street tree that casts light shade. It does not tolerate standing water. The Blackgum tree is a honey plant for bees and the fruit attracts birds.

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      Swamp Chestnut Oak

        Swamp Chestnut Oak
        The Swamp Chestnut Oak tree, Quercus michauxii, is known also as a basket oak for the baskets made from its wood, and cow oak because cows eat the acorns. One of the important timber trees of the South, it grows on moist and wet loamy soils of bottom lands, along streams and borders of swamps. The high quality wood is used in all kinds of construction and for implements. The acorns are sweet and serve as food to wildlife. Swamp chestnut oak trees are well-formed and become quite large (80 feet tall) with a narrow crown. Swamp Chestnut Oak strongly prefers soils that are moist, permanently moist, or permanently wet, and tolerates standing water (as in periodically inundated floodplains) for several weeks at a time. Good seed crops occur at intervals of 3-5 years with poor to fair production in between. Swamp chestnut oak trees are deciduous and have leaves that vary from four to eight inches in length, are downy beneath and turn a rich crimson in the fall. A good shade tree.

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      Moisture Meter

        Moisture Meter
        To Use the Moisture Meter: Simply insert the Moisture Meter into the ground near the roots. The Meter will flash when the tree or plant needs water. Each Moisture Meter includes a 70-hour battery.

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      Pussy Willow - Pink

        Pussy Willow - Pink
        The Pink Pussy Willow, Salix discolor rosea, this form of Pussy Willow has pale pink catkins. This fast growing shrub is suitable for wet areas grow well in almost any soil. They require full sun to thrive, but will survive in the shade as well. As with most willows, they do best when given lots of water. Although they can be allowed to grow unpruned, the plant will benefit from regular pruning after blooming. Flowers form on the previous season's growth, not on new growth so do not prune until the flowers have faded. For early bloom, cut branches of pussy willows may be brought in and set in a water filled vase in a sunny window anytime after the middle of January. The catkins will develop and make a nice display for a considerable time.

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      Cobblestone Mold

        Cobblestone Mold
        Create your own stone walkway or lay your own patio in just an afternoon. In three simple steps you can create a cobblestone.Pour quick-set concrete into the mold on a relatively flat surface. Smooth with a trowel. Wait one minute, lift the mold and move on to the next one.This tough mold is made with recycled plastics and can be used over and over.

        More information or Buy online Cobblestone Mold

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