Aspen - Quaking at Nature Hills Nursery store

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    • Aspen - Quaking

        Aspen - Quaking
        The Quaking Aspen tree, Poplus tremuloides, is the most widely distributed tree in North America. It is known by many common names: trembling aspen, golden aspen, mountain aspen. This deciduous tree grows on many soil types, especially sandy and gravelly slopes, and it is quick to pioneer disturbed sites where there is disturbed soil. Quaking Aspen trees are fast growing and very hardy. Poplus tremuloides provides benefits for many kinds of wildlife. It will grow both as a single or multi-stemmed tree. The Aspen is esthetically appealing with light bark, trembling leaves, and yellow fall color.

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      Walking Fern

        Walking Fern
        This species, commonly called "Walking Fern", is an interesting little plant. The common name comes from the fact that the leaves sprout new plants at their apices. After a few generations, the plant appears as if it is walking across it's substrate. The simple leaves are often long-tapering to the tips and if a leaf tip falls on a moist surface, it can generate roots and a new plant, thereby allowing the ferns to "walk" over the surface of the moss-covered rocks.

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      Viburnum - Doublefile

        Viburnum - Doublefile
        The Doublefile Viburnum, Viburnum tomentosum, is a lovely shrub that provides a three-season interest. It has large white, lacy blooms in spring. Scarlet berries in late summer, and beautiful maroon-purple fall foliage. Birds love this shrub. This shrub has a strong horizontal growth habit. Prune to maintain desired size. (4-5'). Easy to grow in sun or shade.

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      Russian Olive

        Russian Olive
        The Russian Olive tree, Elaeagnus Angustifolia, is an excellent windbreak and wildlife tree. It is extremely tolerant of environmental factors. The best windbreak tree for high wind areas. Pictured is the Russian Olive in a tree form. Russian Olive trees can be made into a hedge by planting 10? apart in the row. The Russian Olive has low water requirements and displays a high tolerance for salt and alkali. Its stems, buds, and leaves have a dense covering of silvery to rusty scales. Leaves are egg or lance-shaped. At three years of age, plants begin to flower and fruit. Highly aromatic, creamy yellow flowers appear in June and July and are later replaced by clusters of abundant silvery fruits. Wildlife loves the fruit. Prized for its silvery gray foliage. Prefers a sunny location and is tolerant of most soil types.

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      Canadian Hemlock

        Canadian Hemlock
        The Canadian Hemlock tree, Tsuga canadensis, is also called Eastern Hemlock or Hemlock spruce. This evergreen conifer is a fast-growing long-lived tree which unlike many trees grows well in shade. It may take 250 to 300 years to reach maturity and may live for 800 years or more. It has a graceful pyramidal form with foliage of spray-like appearance. This stately tree is a very hardy specimen and is an easily transplanted conifer which grows well in a variety of soils. Shelter small plants from drying winds. They stand shearing and pruning well and are excellent as hedges. They are graceful and make great ornamental plantings.

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      Black Oak

        Black Oak
        The Black Oak tree, Quercus velutina, is very similar in appearance to the Red Oak. One of the main differences include its ability to thrive on poor and varied soils. It is sometimes called yellow oak, quercitron, yellowbark oak, or smoothbark oak. Black Oak trees occur naturally on poor sandy or clay hillsides. This deciduous tree has deeply furrowed bark and on mature trees is nearly black. The thick, nearly black bark is marked with deep furrows and irregularly broken ridges. The characteristic inner bark is bright yellow to orange, hence the alternate common name of Yellow Oak. This moderately growing oak tree grows on dry uplands, slopes and ridges. The wood, while hard and strong is not tough. It generally is inferior to that of the Red Oak. Still, it is used in much the same ways. Historically, the inner bark was important for its tannin and as a source of yellow dye. The green leaves have a notably velvety underside.

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        The Honeycrisp apple is a high quality apple which keeps well for 5-6 months in common storage. The tree is one of the most vigorous and hardy of apple trees, showing little damage at -40 degrees. Needs to be thinned heavily. Honeycrisp fruit is characterized by an exceptionally crisp and juicy texture. Its flesh is cream colored and coarse. The flavor is sub-acid and ranges from mild and well-balanced to strongly aromatic, depending on the degree of maturity. Great eating apple with its subacid flavor. Develops its full aromatic flavor if left on the tree until mid October.

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      Pink Flowering Dogwood

        Pink Flowering Dogwood
        The Pink Flowering Dogwood tree, Cornus florida rubra, has very large pink flowers that appear in the early spring before the foliage comes out. The foliage turns a brilliant red in the fall, followed by bright berries which last into the winter. The trees grow to a height of 15 feet. This deciduous tree is the Classic Single Pink flowering beauty. Very popular and widely planted. Pink Flowering Dogwood trees have bright red fruits, which are loved by birds, and mature in early fall and usually persist until the middle of December. The reddish brown wood is extremely hard and has been used to make tool handles. It is a great landcape and ornamental tree.

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