American Hornbeam at Nature Hills Nursery store

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    • American Hornbeam

        American Hornbeam
        The American Hornbeam tree, Carpinus caroliniana, is a shade tolerant under story tree. American Hornbeam trees are also known by the common names of Musclewood, Ironwood, Blue Beech, and Water Beech trees. The word "hornbeam" comes from the words "horn" for "toughness" and "beam" an old English word for "tree" and refers to this tree's very hard, tough, wood. This deciduous species provides nuts that are eaten by many birds such as grouse, bobwhite, pheasant and wild turkey. Cottontail rabbits and deer nibble on the shoots of this tree. Carpinus caroliniana exhibits leaves that are thin and beautifully translucent. This shade tree will provide cool, dense shade in the summer because of its many leaves giving a dense appearance. In late autumn the leaves turn deep scarlet and orange providing good fall color tree.

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      Northern Catalpa

        Northern Catalpa
        The Northern Catalpa tree, Catalpa speciosa, is now naturalized in urban and rural areas and is primarily used today as a large ornamental shade tree. Farmers introduced Northern Catalpa to Ohio in order to produce large amounts of relatively lightweight timber for fenceposts, since the wood is very resistant to rotting.This deciduous tree is also known as Hardy Catalpa, Western Catalpa, Cigar Tree, and Catawba-Tree. It may reach heights of 70 feet tall and 40 feet wide. As a member of the Bignonia Family, it is related to Trumpet Vine, Royal Paulownia, and other species of Catalpa, all of which are known for their showy flowers. Northern Catalpa trees are a very fast growing trees with large heart-shaped leaves. The white flowers are on 4-8 inch long panicles in late June. Fruit is a long pod. Very tolerant of tough conditions.

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      Native Wildflowers

        Native Wildflowers
        Large packet includes one packet each of the following: Echinacea, Blue Flax, Sunflower, Cal. Poppy, and Indian Blanket.

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      Red Gold

        Red Gold
        The Red Gold nectarine delivers a high quality fruit with a great shelf life. The fruit is large sized, spherical shape, and it has a deep yellow peel that covers for 50-70% by dark red. The flesh is yellow, highly consistent, and with a good taste. The skin is a glossy red and gold color. It is a very popular variety with medium-high vigour and productivity. Nectarine cultivars do not require cross pollination and set satisfactory crops with their own pollen. The Red Gold is the most widely planted nectarine.

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      Post Oak

        Post Oak
        The Post Oak tree, Quercus stellata, is a small to medium-sized tree. The bark of the Post Oak is similar to that of the White Oak, but somewhat darker and often fissured into scaly ridges. The leaves of Post Oak trees are usually 4 to 5 inches long and they are thick and somewhat leathery. They are dark green and shiny on the upper surface and lighter green and rough hairy beneath. The Post Oak commonly is associated with the Blackjack Oak. The Post Oak usually grows in dry, sandy to rocky soils. The wood is hard and strong, and is very durable when in contact with soil. Its use is mainly for posts, railroad ties, mine props, and sometimes as fuel. In fact, the Post Oak sometimes is called the Box White Oak. Acorns are 1/2 to 2/3 inches long and ovoid in shape. The acorns matures in one year, ripening September to November. The leaves turn to a golden color in the fall.

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      Low Grow Mix

        Low Grow Mix
        For colorful displays that stay short?mostly knee-high or below, this mixture of self-sowing annuals and one recurring perennial (Johnny Jump-up), is hard to beat. Often used as edging or in front of a wall or taller plantings. Great for cut flowers, too. This premium mixture contains 15 species of quick-blooming wildflowers that grow to and bloom at approximately knee-height or lower.

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      Thornless Honeylocust

        Thornless Honeylocust
        The Thornless Honeylocust tree, Gleditsia Triacanthos, is fast growing as a young tree and will grow 2? or more a year over a 10-year period. Readily transplanted, it withstands a wide range of conditions although it reaches maximum development on rich, moist bottomlands or on soils of a limestone origin. This deciduous tree is tolerant of drought conditions, high pH, and is salt tolerant. Thornless Honeylocust trees are an excellent lawn tree for filtered shade. The fine small textured leaves casts a light shade and usually do not need raking in the fall.

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      Bitternut Hickory

        Bitternut Hickory
        The Bittenut Hickory, Carya cordiformis, is also known as the Yellow-bud Hickory tree. The yellow bud makes it difficult to mistake for another species and combined with the alternate compound leaves and relatively large nuts, it is very distinctive. The nuts are reported to be bitter, as one of the common names suggests. The lighter colored shallow cracks in the younger bark are roughly similar to those of young Shagbark Hickory, but the mature bark of Yellow-bud Hickory does not split so deeply. This deciduous tree is found on moist, fertile soils in the east and central U.S. and is intolerant of shade. Bitternut Hickory trees are known for their hard wood. The wood is used for pulpwood and furniture. This deciduous species displays a leaf color of medium green to dark green. The fall color is often green to chartruese, but sometimes is a brilliant golden-yellow in excellent seasons. It is a fast growing, adaptable tree.

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