Forget Me Not
One of the all-time favorite wildflowers for giveaways. Perfect for your club meeting, business event, or as a drop-in for mailings to your customers. Packets are 2 1/2 x 3 3/4.
Kwanzan Flowering Cherry
The Kwanzan Flowering Cherry tree, Prunus serrulata "Kwanzan", is one of the most popular cultivars of the flowering cherry trees. This deciduous tree rapidly grows to height of 20 to 30 feet. The blooms are a clear pink, double flower (multiple petals like a carnation). The blooms tend to last 3 weeks, yielding to a light green foliage with a red tinge. The Kwanzan flowering cherry tree is also known as a Japanese flowering cherry tree. The leaves turn to a reddish-copper fall color. A beautiful ornamental flowering tree.
Home Soil Test Kit
About the Home Soil Test Kit: The Home Soil Test Kit is easy-to-use and complete with pH ranges and ideal NPK levels for over 100 plants. It tests for pH, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and has been adapted for the home gardener. The unique Floc-Ex tablets allow the tests to begin immediately.
Wild Fox Grape
Wild Grapes are woody vines which can climb over thirty feet tall. They have large, three-lobed leaves with teeth on the edges. Wild Grape can be found on streambanks, pond edges, roadsides, and in open woods. In woods, the vine is probably very large and has grown up with the tree. The fruit is extremely important to wildlife as well as has been the most important grape in the development of North American viticulture.
Chestnut Oak
The Chestnut Oak tree, Quercus prinus, is a medium-sized, native, deciduous tree. Chestnut Oak trees are also called Rock Oak, Rock Chestnut Oak, or Mountain Oak. It is long-lived and slow-growing rugged tree. The characteristic bark is dark and very rough. On older trees it typically is broken into long, V-shaped ridges that are separated by deep furrows. The tree grows on dry, rocky ridges and slopes. The wood is strong and durable, and mainly used for general construction and fuel. The bark has greater tannin content than most other oaks, and was extensively used in the leather tanning trade. The acorns are an important source of food for various forms of wildlife. The acorns are large, but do not appear until the tree is around 20 years old. The leaf undersides are medium green, rather than white. Autumn color is chartreuse to yellow-brown, but the canopy is cleaned of leaves by late autumn. Chestnut Oak is amazingly free of major pest and disease problems, a testament to superior genetics in all aspects of its growth cycle.
Western Mix
For CO, UT, MT, ID, WY, NV, ND, SD, Eastern OR and WA. A special blend of wildflowers that can handle the mountainous west?s variable climate, rainfall and altitude have made this mixture a favorite. A grand total of 28 species makes the mix successful in almost any microclimate. Plant in the spring, or in mild winter areas, just as your rainy season begins. Includes 27 wildflowers: 16 annuals for first-year color. Plus 11 hardy perennials for second and successive years? bloom.
5 Favorite SunFlowers
Great garden sunflowers--five different, all excellent for cutting, all easy to grow. Colors range from gold to crimson. Large packet includes one packet each of the following: Garden Giant, Wild Sunflower, Crimson Thriller, Teddy Bear Dwarf, and Mexican Tithonia.
Kousa Dogwood
The Kousa Dogwood tree, Cornus kousa, or Japanese Flowering Dogwood, is a handsome small specimen tree or shrub. The Kousa is not as susceptible to disease as the White Dogwood in spring. It is planted as a specimen, near a patio, or in groupings. Kousa Dogwood trees blooms later than the White Dogwood and with a softer petal flower than the White Flowering Dogwood. This deciduous tree has red fruits that look like a big round raspberry. The fall color is red to maroon. Because of its disease resistance, it is becoming the best replacement for the White Dogwood. The flowering tree, Kousa Dogwood, has low water requirements and displays a moderate tolerance for salt and alkali soils.
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