The Damson plum has a small, oval fruit, and is good for canning. The dark purple skin covers the golden yellow flesh. It has a spicy, tart flavour. Damsons are used for cooking, jam & wine making. A hardy, tree, largely untroubled by pests and diseases. Damsons succeed where most plums would fail. They are semi-shade tolerant and they grow to 12-14 ft. They make good windbreaks and hedges, though they are not likely to fruit well if they are very exposed. Damsons are mostly self-fertile and cross-pollinate with plums.
Hand Weeder
About the Hand Weeder: The weeder is made up of chrome plated steel and has a weight of 4 pounds.
Southern Red Oak
The Southern Red Oak tree, Quercus falcata, is characterized by its rough bark. The Southern red oak is also referred to as Spanish oak. Southern Red Oak trees are a medium-sized tree with a short trunk and large branches supporting a rounded crown. The bark is dark gray in color, furrowed, and is marked by rough ridges and plates. It is a tree of the Old South, ranging from Maryland to Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. The acorns are usually produced singly, and biennially. They are 1/2 to 3/4 inch long, roughly spherical and orange-brown. Songbirds, turkey, a variety of small mammals and deer eat the nuts.The Southern Oak tree is deciduous and is a good shade tree adapted to drier sites. The wood of the Southern Red Oak is strong and coarse-grained.
Black Hills Spruce
The Black Hills Spruce, Picea Glauca Var. densata, is noted for its dark green foliage and conical form. Black Hills Spruce trees are very dense and have a deep dark green color. It is a truly cold adapted tree and is very resistant to winter injury. It prefers rich moist soil in full sun, and also thrives in dry, well-drained sites. This evergreen conifer tree has a medium growth rate and requires little, if any, pruning. Deer dislike Black Hills Spruce. This tree is commonly used for windbreaks, privacy screens and accent plantings. It will reach a height of six feet in nine years on a good site.
Mockernut Hickery
The Mockernut Hickory tree, Carya tomentosa, is also called a White Hickory, Whiteheart Hickory, Hognut and Bullnut.The gray bark of this tree is marked with branching ridges and deep furrows. Mockernut hickory is so named because the nuts are large but with thick shells and very small kernels. The twigs are stout and reddish-brown to grayish-brown in color. This tree grows well on rich, moist, well-drained soils of upland areas. Mockernut Hickory trees grow throughout most of the eastern United States and westward to eastern Texas. It is most common in the southern part of its range. As with the Shagbark Hickory, the wood of this tree is hard, strong, tough and elastic, and is used in handles for tools and in athletic equipment. The unusually small kernels from the nuts are sweet and edible. It is long lived, sometimes reaching the age of 500 years. This and the other hickories are very desirable both for forest and shade trees.
Henry Kelsey CL
The Henry Kelsey rose has a trailing and spreading growth habit which is the highlight of this winter hardy rose. The blooms are a medium red color and come in clusters of 9 to 13. Henry Kelsey roses have a nice spicy fragrance, which makes this a wonderful addition in a Northern garden. The red flowers bloom in early summer and repeat in late summer.
Poetry Stones
Create your own personalized decorative borders, stepping-stones or garden labels with this unique kit. The creative possibilities are endless, from poetic borders to personalized stepping-stones for your backyard.Mix up some concrete, put it into one of the cobblestone forms, and then make a word with the press-in letters, it?s that easy.Perfect for creative person who has everything!
Forget Me Not
One of the all-time favorite wildflowers for giveaways. Perfect for your club meeting, business event, or as a drop-in for mailings to your customers. Packets are 2 1/2 x 3 3/4.
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