Sweetshrub at Nature Hills Nursery store

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    • Sweetshrub

        The Sweetshrub, Calycanthus floridus, or Carolina allspice is a dense, rounded deciduous shrub with a suckering habit which grows 6-9' tall with an equal or slightly greater spread. It features very fragrant, brown to reddish-brown flowers (2" across) which bloom at the ends of short branchlets in May. Flowers give way to brownish, urn-shaped fruits (seed capsules) which mature in fall and persist throughout the winter. Lustrous, dark green (pale beneath), ovate to elliptic leaves to 6" long turn golden yellow in fall. Leaves are aromatic when bruised. Also commonly called sweetshrub and strawberry bush because of the reference to the fragrant blooms which have been described as combining hints of pineapple, strawberry and banana. Another common name is hairy allspice which is in reference to the hairy twigs and leaf undersides of this plant. It is easily grown in average, medium wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. It grows somewhat taller in shade than in sun, and it is tolerant of a wide range of soils, but prefers rich loam. Prune immediately after flowering to shape or maintain compactness. Remove root suckers promptly if naturalization is not desired. Use as a specimen near front door, patio or other living areas where the fragrant flower aroma may be enjoyed. It is utilized for shrub borders, foundations, and native plant areas.

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      White Ash

        White Ash
        The White Ash tree, Fraxinus Americana, is a handsome native tree. It develops an open and rather round topped crown in its old age. This is the largest of the ash trees in North America. Mature trunks can reach almost 6 feet in diameter. This deciduous tree has firm gray bark with diamond-shaped furrows and interlacing ridges. The tree grows in the rich, moist, well-drained soil of bottomlands and other soil types on not-so-dry slopes. The size and value of White Ash trees makes this one of the primary commercial hardwoods in the United States. The wood is hard, strong, elastic, and very useful. Several kinds of birds eat the fruit. The foliage is dark green in the summer and turns to yellow or maroon in the fall. It is tall, stately, and long lived.

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      European Design Pruner

        European Design Pruner
        About the European Design Pruner: This pruner measures 8 1/4 inches overall and has cutting capacity of 1 inch. This pruner has a Rockwell hardness of 52+/-54.

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      Rose of Sharon-Paeonyflorus

        Rose of Sharon-Paeonyflorus
        The Paeonyflorus Rose of Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus Paeonyflorus, is an upright, deciduous shrub that is a vigorous, erect, multi-stemmed shrub that typically grows 8-12' tall. This shrub may also be trained as a single trunk tree or espalier. Leaves are diamond-shaped, dark green, slightly palmate and toothed. 'Paeonyflorus' bears double flowers in pink to wine color from late summer until mid-fall. This plant really requires no pruning, unless you need to remove a dead or damaged branch. It has a long, early summer to fall bloom period. This cultivar is a sterile triploid that produces very few if any seed pods. It is an excellent flowering shrub that may be massed, planted in groups, or used as a specimen. The plant is very tolerant of summer heat and humidity. Larger flowers may be obtained by pruning back hard to 2-3 buds in early spring. Otherwise, prune to shape.

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      Rose of Sharon-Morning Star

        Rose of Sharon-Morning Star
        The Morning Star Rose of Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus Morning Star, is an upright, deciduous shrub that is a vigorous, erect, multi-stemmed shrub that typically grows 8-12' tall. This shrub may also be trained as a single trunk tree or espalier. Leaves are diamond-shaped, dark green, slightly palmate and toothed. 'Morning Star' bears grayish blue flowers with pinkish white eyes from late summer until mid-fall. This plant really requires no pruning, unless you need to remove a dead or damaged branch. It has a long, early summer to fall bloom period. This cultivar is a sterile triploid that produces very few if any seed pods. It is an excellent flowering shrub that may be massed, planted in groups, or used as a specimen. The plant is very tolerant of summer heat and humidity. Larger flowers may be obtained by pruning back hard to 2-3 buds in early spring. Otherwise, prune to shape.

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      Northern Red Oak

        Northern Red Oak
        The Northern Red Oak tree, Quercus borealis, is known for its strength and brilliant fall color. Northern Red Oak trees are used as a specimen tree and also for wildlife. It has moderate water requirements and has a moderate tolerance to salt and alkali soils. The form of this tree is rounded and the ascending, usually massive branches, tend to branch low to the ground. Fall colors are from yellow-brown to russet-red and bright red. New leaves have a reddish tinge in the spring. Commercially valuable wood. They will bear acorns in 10-12 years in the nursery. Does best in well-drained soils. A very widely planted tree.

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      Carefree Beauty

        Carefree Beauty
        The Carefree Beauty rose has an open bloom and is light Rose Bengal color which ages lighter. The pleasant fragrant flowers are followed by round-ovoid orange hips. the plant is vigorous, bushy, well-clothed with large, leathery dark green foliage. Carefree Beauty roses can be used wherever a small ever-blooming shrub is required or it lends itself for use as a bedding plant of for use in combination with other plants as herbaceous perennials or bedding plants.The plants are winter-hardy. It is a Dr Buck rose.

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      American Hornbeam

        American Hornbeam
        The American Hornbeam tree, Carpinus caroliniana, is a shade tolerant under story tree. American Hornbeam trees are also known by the common names of Musclewood, Ironwood, Blue Beech, and Water Beech trees. The word "hornbeam" comes from the words "horn" for "toughness" and "beam" an old English word for "tree" and refers to this tree's very hard, tough, wood. This deciduous species provides nuts that are eaten by many birds such as grouse, bobwhite, pheasant and wild turkey. Cottontail rabbits and deer nibble on the shoots of this tree. Carpinus caroliniana exhibits leaves that are thin and beautifully translucent. This shade tree will provide cool, dense shade in the summer because of its many leaves giving a dense appearance. In late autumn the leaves turn deep scarlet and orange providing good fall color tree.

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