Windowsill Herbs
Large packet includes complete instructions and one packet each of the following: Dill, Basil, Coriander, Chives, and Parsley.
The American Persimmon tree, Diospyrus virginiana, is a native fruit tree with attractive edible fruit. Its dark-green leaves conceal small fragrant white flowers that are replaced by pale-orange fruits, which ripen after frost. While persimmon grows on many kinds of soils, it attains its greatest size on sandy, clay soil in bottoms. It is one of the first invaders of old fields with the seeds brought in by wild birds and animals. The leaf is rather leathery and dark green. Its average length is about 4 inches. Persimmon trees are well known for its delicious orange fruit and bark which resembles alligator hide. This deciduous tree provides fruit for birds and the buds and leaves are a source of food for deer, opossum, gray and fox squirrel, quail, raccoon, wild turkey, red and gray fox and coyote. It is very important as a wildlife food. Persimmon wood is hard and dense. It is used for golf club heads, handles for files and carving tools, billiard cues, shuttles and mallets. Plant a persimmon at the woodland's edge or in an open field. The bright green leaves change to a bright golden yellow in the fall making this tree highly prized as an ornamental tree. Our Persimmon trees are unsexed. Approximately 90% of our Persimmons are females, so purchasing 10 or more should insure fruiting. In a good environment and with good care, fruiting will begin in year six and continues for fifty years or more.
White Walnut
The White Walnut tree, Juglans cinerea, also known as White walnut and Butternut tree is a small to medium-sized tree. This tree has a short trunk which is divided into a few ascending limbs with large spreading, sparsely forked branches. The smaller branches tend to bend downwards and then turn up at the ends. The crown is open, broad, irregular in outline and rounded at the top. The root system is composed of a number of wide-spreading laterals that grow to a considerable depth. Usually a taproot develops in deep soils. White Walnut trees grows fast, especially as a seedling, but usually does not live longer than 75 years. Nuts resemble Black Walnut, but smaller, with an oily, spicy flavor. Tree is best known for the rich quality of its wood. It makes a good shade tree.
Weeping Willow
The Weeping Willow tree, Salix Babylonica, is a rapid growing yard or landscaping tree. When mature it exhibits graceful wide spreading branches. The Weeping Willow has pendulous weeping branches, a short trunk, and has a broad rounded crown. This deciduous tree has leaves that are thin and narrow, sometimes with whitened or silky undersides. It also is used in low moist areas like creek banks or areas that are very moist. It is one of the first trees to leaf out in the spring and one of the last to drop leaves in the fall. The foliage is a shimmering light green color in summer and turns yellow in the fall. The Weeping Willow trees are mentioned many times in literature and poetry from the time of Shakespeare. The usual reference is to shimmering leaves. It is graceful, grows fast, and adaptable.
Forest Pansy Redbud
The Forest Pansy Redbud tree, Cercis canadensis, 'Forest Pansy', is an excellent small tree for lawns, woodland gardens or naturalized areas. Effective if planted as a specimen or in groups. It is frequently planted as a street tree in residential areas. 'Forest Pansy' Redbud trees are a purple-leaved cultivar of the popular Missouri native redbud tree. It is a small, deciduous, understory tree with a spreading, flat-to-rounded crown. It can eventually grow to 20-30' tall and the trunk usually divides somewhat close to the ground. Clusters of tiny, rose-purple, pea-like flowers bloom profusely on the branches and mature trunks for 2-3 weeks in early spring (March-April) before the foliage emerges. Flowers tend to be darker and more purplish than other species. Heart-shaped leaves open bright reddish-purple and gradually mature to a more muted purple. Seed pods resembling snow peas appear in late spring after flowering. Fall color is variable, but often includes attractive shades of reddish-purple and orange. Redbuds are true harbingers of spring. Easily grown in average, medium wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Partial shade is best in hot climates.
Golden Raintree
The Golden Raintree, Koelreuteria Paniculata, is an excellent tree and unrivaled for late yellow flowers. Golden Raintrees are also known as Chinese Flame trees. It is one of the very few yellow flowering trees. This deciduous tree is excellent as a small lawn tree, or for shading a patio. Golden Raintrees display a beautiful show of fall color with 2 inch golden seed pods against a dark green-leafed background. The seed pods look like tiny Chinese lanterns. It has rounded outline, spreading and ascending branches, open, reddish copper-colored foliage in the spring. It is a tough and an adaptable tree used for many landscaping applications. They are very tolerant of polluted air environments.
Mimosa Tree
The Mimosa tree, Albizzia julibrissin, sometimes called Silk tree, was introduced to the United States in 1745 for use as an ornamental plant because of its unusual, attractive and fragrant pom-pom like flowers and interesting fern-like foliage.This deciduous tree is attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds. In gardens this tree grows to 20?30'. Mimosa trees are fast-growing but rather short-lived. It has a single trunk with smooth gray bark. Each bipinnate leaf is made up of hundreds of tiny leaflets coated in white hairs, giving the foliage a silvery cast. In late winter or spring the domed crown is decked in sprays of small, globular, golden yellow flower heads. It is able to survive winter in southern U.S., but flowers better in climates with a longer, drier summer.
White Mulberry
The White Mulberry tree, Morus Alba Tatarica, has many common names, such as, White mulberry, Russian mulberry, Silkworm mulberry, and Moral blanco. The White Mulberry is an excellent and handsome shade tree and is often planted on field edges in irrigated, semi-arid lands where it is also valued for fruit, poles and timber. This deciduous trees has a deep-rooting habit which makes it a suitable tree for linear plantings. It is a widely grown fruit which can be eaten fresh, preserved, vinified or, in some semi-arid areas, dried for winter use. Mulberries thrive in full sun and dislike crowded conditions; they prefer deep soils and need good drainage; they are frost resistant. Mulberries thrive over a very wide range of warm temperate, sub-tropical and tropical conditions.
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