Weigela - Red Prince
The Red Prince Weigela, Weigela florida Red Prince, is a deciduous shrub with dark red flowers. It is a full sized plant with good hardiness. The red flowers hold late into the season. It grows best in full sun to partial sun. Foliage is deep, purple-tinted green and forms a compact mound, reaching 6' when mature. Prefers well-drained soil. The cultivar 'Red Prince' is an egg-shaped, upright shrub with mid-green leaves to 4-1/2 inches long. Red, bell-shaped flowers bloom in early summer and again in late summer. Flowers attract hummingbirds. Suitable for shrub and mixed border.
Bigleaf Periwinkle
Common names: Greater (rosy) periwinkle, bigleaf periwinkle.Shrub that grows to 12" tall with trailing ascending stems; 1-3 feet long. The leaves are dark green and bigger than that of vinca minor. It has solitary violet flowers at the end of the stem. This ornamental plant is fast growing and flowers April through frost. The greater periwinkle is an evergreen, creeping plant with long trailing or arching stems. The flowers are carried in the short, ascending stems. It flowers from April through frost. The flowers are violet, leaves are shiny, bright-green and broad with a blunt base with hairy margins. Thrives in shady and damp areas. Usually sold as an annual in zones 3-5 otherwise perennial.
Water Oak
The Water Oak tree, Quercus nigra, is also known as a spotted oak or possum oak. Water Oak trees are a conical to round-topped tree. It is a popular tree in the South as a shade and street tree. This deciduous tree is fast growing and it starts producing acorns before its 10th year. The Water Oak is found along streams and low ground. It is a tall tree with a slender trunk . The Quercus nigra is hardy to zone 6 and is frost tender. The plant prefers medium to heavy soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It requires moist soil. The plant can tolerate strong winds but not maritime exposure. Acorns are 1/2 inch long, very dark in color, and 1/3 covered by a flattened cap. It matures in September of the second year. The Water Oak trees attractive form makes it a popular landscape and shade tree. Water oak acorns provide food for many animals such as squirrels, white-tailed deer, and wild turkey.
Shagbark Hickory
The Shagbark Hickory tree, Carya ovata, has a distinctive, shaggy bark, conspicuous on tall straight trees, which gives this species its name. It grows well in both wet and dry areas, but prefers well-drained soils. Shellbark hickory trees are also called shagbark hickory, bigleaf shagbark hickory, kingnut, big shellbark, bottom shellbark, thick shellbark, and western shellbark, which attest to some of its characteristics. It is a slow-growing long-lived tree. The nuts, largest of all hickory nuts, are sweet and edible. Wildlife and people harvest most of them; those remaining produce seedling trees readily. The wood is hard, heavy, strong, and very flexible, making it a favored wood for tool handles. The wood also makes excellent firewood, and often is used in smoking meat. As with other edible nuts, squirrels compete with humans for this fruit. Its bold-textured, jagged branch structure and thick twigs give it a striking appearance in winter. This deciduous shade tree has a yellow fall color.
Sphagnum Moss - 75 cubic in.
About the Sphagnum Moss - 75 cubic inches: 75 cubic inches of Sphagnum Moss is enough for a single root application for 1 tree or shrub. Using Spaghnum moss while planting a tree or shrub increase survivability and plant health.
Bur Oak
The Bur Oak tree, Quercus macrocarpa, is a long-lived majestic oak tree. It is also called the Burr Oak. The Bur Oak is a tall, fairly slow-growing, long-lived tree, highly desirable for windbreaks, shelterbelts and ornamental use. It has an impressive crown with a massive trunk, which makes it a picturesque specimen. Bur Oak trees adapt to various soils where other oaks may fail. This deciduous tree is tolerant to urban conditions. Autumn colors are yellow-green, yellow, and yellow brown. The tree will bear acorns in the nursery in ten years.
Boston Ivy
Common names: Boston Ivy, Cottage Ivy, Japanese Ivy. Deciduous vine with tendrils which have 5 to 8 branches, each ending in adhesive-like tips; has the ability to literally cement itself to the wall and therefore needs no support; good on trees, will also crawl along the ground; secretes calcium carbonate which serves as adhesive. This vine can reach a height or spread exceeding 30 feet. The plant tolerates dry soil .The glossy, dark green, three-lobed leaves turn bright red in the fall. Showy leaves held late into fall or early winter. The plant produces bluish fruits that are not highly ornamental.Use in full sun to full shade,salt tolerant, handles most all conditions.
Tree Trainer
About the Tree Trainer: The trainer is made of a rust-resistant aluminum bar, rings, UV treated straps, and neoprene pad.
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