Japanese Spurge
Japanese pachysandra terminalis is a shrubby, evergreen ground cover which grows 8-12" high and spreads by rhizomes to form a dense carpet of rich, dark green foliage. Oval leaves (2-4" long) appear primarily in whorls at the stem ends. Tiny white flowers in 1-2" long, terminal (hence the species name) spikes bloom in early spring. Flowers are not particularly showy, but on close inspection are quite attractive. Ground cover for shade areas. Excellent selection for shaded areas under shallow-rooted trees. Plant 6 inches apart. Needs partial shade to shade.
The Seafoam rose is great as a mounding ground cover or small climber. It is very winter hardy, and has good disease tolerance. Seafoam roses have small glossy foliage and white blooms that will add a nice contrast in any landscape.
Shellbark Hickory
The Shellbark Hickory tree, Carya laciniosa, is also know as bigleaf shagbark, kingnut, big shellbark, bottom shellbark, thick shellbark and western shellbark). This deciduous tree is similar to that of the Shagbark Hickory, but often not quite as shaggy. The fruit is larger than other hickories. This is a big tree and it prefers wet, fertile bottomland. It is less common than either the Shagbark or Bitternut Hickories. The wood is similar to that of the Shagbark Hickory and is used in much the same way. Its sweet, huge nuts are relished by squirrels and give it an alternative common name of King Nut Hickory, due to their being the largest of the hickories. Like other hickories, it is very tolerant of summer drought.The nuts of shellbark hickory are utilized by wildlife (ducks, quail, wild turkeys, squirrels, chipmunks, deer, foxes, raccoons, and white-footed mice) and man. This tall shade tree displays a yellow fall color.
Green Ash
The Green Ash tree, Fraxinus Pennsylvanica, is a fast growing shade tree with rich green foliage and an upswept branching habit. It is very adaptable to many soil and moisture conditions. This medium sized tree has beautiful yellow foliage in the fall. Green Ash trees withstands drought, excessive moisture, and wind. This deciduous trees is so adaptable, that it is widely used in windbreaks and shelterbelts. The crown is densely rounded or irregular. The leaf stems are velvety. The lance shaped leaflets are a lustrous medium to dark green. Fall color is yellow.
American Beech
The American Beech tree, Fagus Grandifolia, has a short trunk, with a spreading crown and is a very stately tree. These beech trees have thin, smooth blue-gray bark. The American Beech grows best in full sun, but will withstand partial shade. The fagus grandifolia grows robust in well-drained, moist acid soil; but will not stand compaction. This deciduous species has leaves that are a beautiful dark green in the summer and turn to a golden brown fall color. The foliage on young American Beech remains in winter. This beech tree is a dense shade tree whose nuts attract birds and squirrels. American Beech trees have a slow to moderate growth rate.
Black Walnut - Carpathia
The Carpathian Black Walnut tree, Juglans nigra, 'Carpathian', can be planted as a nut bearing landscape tree. Common names for the Carpathian Black Walnut tree are Persian Walnut, English Walnut, Carpathian Walnut and Madeira Nut. This deciduous tree bears nuts that are thin-shelled and easy to open. The tree's crown is rounded, spreading and open. The best growth and nut production comes when it is placed in deep, dry, light loamy soils. Carpathian Black Walnut trees are self-pollinating but they will normally do better with another neighboring Black Walnut. This selection comes from parent trees in central Michigan where trees crop abundantly although winter temps plunge to -34' F. It is an excellent shade tree that bears excellent thin shell English Walnuts.
Shumard Oak
The Shumard Oak tree, Quercus shumardii, is one of the largest southern red oak trees. It grows moderately fast and produces acorns every 2 to 4 years that are a bonus since they can be used by wildlife for food. A handsome shade tree, suggested as a subs
Weigela - Pink
The Pink Weigela, Weigela florida, is a deciduous shrub that is prized for its showy bell-shaped flowers and spreading, arching growth habit. Leaves are dark green, oval and tapered, to 2.5 inches long. Dark pink flowers with pale pink-white interiors, to 1 1/4 inches long are produced in corymbs on short lateral twigs on previous years growth in late spring to early summer. Flowers are attractive to hummingbirds. Native to China. Very nice in a mixed shrub border.
May we also suggest the following products:
- Kousa Dogwood
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- Butterfly Bush - White
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