London Sycamore at Nature Hills Nursery store

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    • London Sycamore

        London Sycamore
        The London Sycamore tree, Platanus Acerifolia, or "Bloodgood Sycamore" is a large tree. The tree will reach a height of 85 feet and a spread of 70 feet. Pyramidal in youth, it develops a spreading rounded crown with age supported by a few, very large diameter branches. The bark is patchy and very attractive and may be the plants best ornamental attribute. These patches range from creamy-white to olive-green. Large sections of bark may be shed from the tree as it grows older. This deciduous tree is a fast growing shade tree. Unlike many other fast-growing shade trees, it?s not extremely weak wooded and thus isn?t prone to a lot of limb breakage in ice and snowstorms. London Sycamore trees are easily transplanted and will do well in most soils, but prefers a deep, rich soil. It?s also tolerant of city conditions, air pollution, compacted soils, and drought. It?s a very durable tree. As a big tree, it also provides lots of wonderful shade in parks.

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      Ebony Spleenwort Fern

        Ebony Spleenwort Fern
        Ebony spleenwort is an evergreen fern which typically grows to 15" tall and occurs on rocky wooded ledges, rocky slopes and mossy banks. Arching, pinnate, somewhat glossy, dark green sterile fronds. Erect fertile fronds. Central stipe (stem) is dark purplish brown. Common name of spleenwort refers to purported medicinal value once attributed to the plant. Plant in dryish, rocky, shady areas of rock gardens (will grow in rocky crevices), native plant gardens or woodland areas.

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      Tulip Topper

        Tulip Topper
        Our own Tulip Topper keeps your bulb beds in bloom all summer. We invented this garden which is simply a special flower seed mix made to scatter over tulips and daffodil bulbs, either after you plant them in the fall, or as they come up in spring. Eleven quick-growing, quick-blooming flowers. It's easy!

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      Fertilizer Stakes - Trees

        Fertilizer Stakes - Trees
        About the Ross Fertilizer Stakes - trees: Ross specially packs stakes in a big 40-Pak box. One application usually lasts all year. A 15-7-6 formula specifically for mature trees and shrubs.

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        The Goldbar apricot produces very large, light yellow-orange fruit with reddish blush. The fruit is round to oval with slightly compressed sides and is very large. The skin is light-orange and slightly glossy. A reddish blush covers up to 30% of the side that is exposed to the sun. The flesh is light orange, very firm, meaty and moderately juicy. Some acidity is associated with the skin. Quality for the fresh market is good. The pit is large and freestone. Goldbar is not suitable for canning. It is a vigorous tree that flowers heavily but sets light crop, which increases fruit size.

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      Pussy Willow - French

        Pussy Willow - French
        The French Pussy Willow, Salix discolor, grows well in almost any soil but it is a good idea to supplement it with peat moss, leaf mold or compost. They require full sun to thrive, but will survive in the shade as well. As with most willows, they do best when given lots of water. Although they can be allowed to grow unpruned, the plant will benefit from regular pruning after blooming. Prune the lowest branches back to the trunk, and prune for shape. You can even cut the tree back to a six inch stump every 2-3 years (severe pruning results in the longer stems and larger catkins). Flowers form on the previous season's growth, not on new growth so do not prune until the flowers have faded. For early bloom, cut branches of pussy willows may be brought in and set in a water filled vase in a sunny window anytime after the middle of January. The catkins will develop and make a nice display for a considerable time.

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      Black Locust

        Black Locust
        The Black Locust tree, Robinia pseudoacacia, is sometimes called the yellow locust. Black Locust trees grow naturally on a wide range of sites but does best on rich moist limestone soils. It has escaped cultivation and become naturalized throughout eastern North America and parts of the West. Black locust is not a commercial timber species but is useful for many other purposes.This deciduous tree is a nitrogen fixer and has rapid juvenile growth. It is widely planted as an ornamental, for shelterbelts, and for land reclamation. This fast growing Locust tree is suitable for fuel wood and pulp and provides cover for wildlife, browse for deer, and cavities for birds. It is a very thorny tree which can attain a height of 70-80 feet and can have a diameter of 2-3 feet. The flowers are white, fragrant, and hang in clusters. The individual leaves are small and egg-shaped.

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      Japanese Spurge

        Japanese Spurge
        Japanese pachysandra terminalis is a shrubby, evergreen ground cover which grows 8-12" high and spreads by rhizomes to form a dense carpet of rich, dark green foliage. Oval leaves (2-4" long) appear primarily in whorls at the stem ends. Tiny white flowers in 1-2" long, terminal (hence the species name) spikes bloom in early spring. Flowers are not particularly showy, but on close inspection are quite attractive. Ground cover for shade areas. Excellent selection for shaded areas under shallow-rooted trees. Plant 6 inches apart. Needs partial shade to shade.

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