Tree Sculpture (11" x 12 1/2") v Upright, Green at Bonsai trees online store

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    • Tree Sculpture (11" x 12 1/2") v Upright, Green

        Tree Sculpture (11" x 12 1/2") v Upright, Green
        This one-of-a-kind tree sculpture is created by prominent artist Sal Villano and is fashioned with wire gages ranging from 32 to 18. The wire used is bronze anodized aluminum wire which will retain its color and strength for many years. This is the same wire that we use for training bonsai. The tree sculpture is bonded onto its base, which is a glazed ceramic bonsai, using sea sand. Since the bond is made onto a porous material, a water soluble glue is used and, therefore, the sculpture should never be placed in a dishwasher. Clean your tree sculpture with a damp, soft, lint-free cloth. Shipped UPS 2-3 days - $11.95.

        More information or Buy online Tree Sculpture (11" x 12 1/2") v Upright, Green

      Japanese Green Laceleaf Maple - 32" x 24" x 46"  (acer palmatum dissectum 'green mist')

        Japanese Green Laceleaf Maple - 32" x 24" x 46" (acer palmatum dissectum 'green mist')
        Dissectum is a variety that has finely cut foliage. This Laceleaf is an excellent mid-green Japanese Maple tree of great vigor and habit. The branching pattern is beautifully balanced. The color and fineness of the foliage give it that soft misty look of spring. We left some of the foliage below the graft on the understock so you can see the difference in foliage. Wonderful yellow fall color. Decideous. Keep outdoors 14 years old. 32" x 24" x 46" Potted in a ceramic green fluted oval 14"x10" container as shown. Suitable 10.5"x14.5" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $11.95(50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $95.00.

        More information or Buy online Japanese Green Laceleaf Maple - 32" x 24" x 46"  (acer palmatum dissectum 'green mist')

      Fukien Tea (carmona)

        Fukien Tea (carmona)
        Native to the Fujan province of China, the Carmona has small white flowers that can bloom at any time. The evergreen foliage is dark in color and small in size. The flowers turn into red berries that turn darker with age. Trained in the traditional tiered level bonsai style with a curved trunk. Loves the heat and does great indoors. 30 years old. 31"x26"x35". Potted in an 18" brown rectangular mica container as shown. Shipped via UPS ground - $95.00.

        More information or Buy online Fukien Tea (carmona)

      Cork Bark Elm (ulmus neri)

        Cork Bark Elm (ulmus neri)
        The Neri Elm has small serrated green leaves which have good fall color. The trunk has a striking gnarled corky bark appearance hence the name Cork Bark Elm. Decideous. Keep outdoors. 22 years old. 27"x23"x43". Potted in a 12" round ceramic container as shown. Suitable 14.5"x10.5" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $11.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS - ground $95.00.

        More information or Buy online Cork Bark Elm (ulmus neri)

      Fukien Tea (carmona)

        Fukien Tea (carmona)
        Native to the Fujan province of China, the Carmona has small white flowers that can bloom at any time. The evergreen foliage is dark in color and small in size. The flowers turn into red berries that turn darker with age. Trained in the traditional tiered level bonsai style. Loves the heat and does great indoors. 20 years old. 20"x16"x23". Potted in a 12" ceramic blue rectangular container as shown. Suitable 14.5"x10.5" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $11.95 950% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $95.00.

        More information or Buy online Fukien Tea (carmona)

      Flowering White Serissa Tree of a Thousand Stars (serissa japonica)

        Flowering White Serissa Tree of a Thousand Stars (serissa japonica)
        Tree of a Thousand Stars. The Japonica has somewhat elongated spoon shaped shiny green leaves. It is a twiggy tree that grows tighter with shearing. This northern Chinese Serissa has small white trumpet shaped blossoms. This unique double trunk Serissa is trained in the traditional curved trunk and tiered level style with a fully exposed root system. Easy indoor care. 27 years old. 24"x17"x24". Potted in a 15" brown rectangular mica container as shown. Suitable 14.5"x10.5" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $11.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $95.00.

        More information or Buy online Flowering White Serissa Tree of a Thousand Stars (serissa japonica)

      May we also suggest the following products:
    • Ficus - Curved Trunk (ficus exotica)
    • Japanese Maple Filagree (acer palmatum dissectum)
    • Flowering White Serissa Tree of a Thousand Stars (serissa japonica)
    • Sago Palm (cycas revoluta)
    • Princess Persimmon (diospyros rhombifolia)
    • Indoor Bonsai Paul Lesniewicz Special Book Sale

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