Desert Rose - Large (Adenium Obesum) at Bonsai trees online store

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    • Desert Rose - Large (Adenium Obesum)

        Desert Rose - Large (Adenium Obesum)
        Native to East Africa and relative of the Plumeria. Small succulent tree that grows only about 8¦ tall in the wild, has fleshy leaves and forms a very bulbous base. Produces exotic 2÷ pink and white, open-trumpet shaped flowers throughout the year in full sun. Needs little water during winter. All plant nuts love these. 8 years old 12" tall Suitable 6" x 8" humidity tray is recommended. . To purchase add $2.95 (50% off regular price with your tree order.) Shipped UPS 2-3 days - $16.95.

        More information or Buy online Desert Rose - Large (Adenium Obesum)

      Pot Water/Land - Oval Green 9" x 6" x 2"

        Pot Water/Land - Oval Green 9" x 6" x 2"
        Imported glazed ceramic container, divided so that one side is a well that holds water. We include a fisherman figurine along with a fishing pole and ceramic fish in addition to drainage hole covers for the planting side of the pot. Shipped via ground - $9.95.

        More information or Buy online Pot Water/Land - Oval Green 9" x 6" x 2"

      Bonsai Waterfall Garden - Double Brown

        Bonsai Waterfall Garden - Double Brown
        This is a complete self-contained waterfall garden featuring two bonsai trees as part of the landscape -- just add water and plug it in. Comes planted with a 6 year old Juniper bonsai and an accent plant which is usually a Neanthe Bella Palm (pictured) or a Norfolk Island Pine. Our waterfall garden is sculptured to harmonize with the trees and cascading water flow. The re-circulating pump (which is submerged in the rear) is easily adjustable from a trickle to a raging waterfall. Envision a living sculpture, a work of art in your home. Great for tables, desks, counters or outdoor patios, decks or gardens. Bring a sense of nature into your homeamountains, rocks, waterfalls, and trees. Relax and enjoy the sights and sounds of this great mesmerizing conversation piece. Trees 4-10 years old. Unit 14"-16" tall with trees. Length - 13", Depth 13". Shipping via UPS on Monday - $29.95. Allow 3-4 days for delivery.

        More information or Buy online Bonsai Waterfall Garden - Double Brown

      Hawaiian Umbrella Tree/Water Pot (arboricola schefflera)

        Hawaiian Umbrella Tree/Water Pot (arboricola schefflera)
        This is the tree that we recommend if you are inexperienced with bonsai or you do not have a green thumb. In our opinion it is one of the easiest bonsai trees to care for and it is a very beautiful trouble-free evergreen. If you don't know which tree to purchase as a gift for someone, this is the tree to select. Our tree features tiny umbrella shaped leaves forming a dense green canopy. On the other side of the planting is a well that holds water. We include a fisherman figurine along with a fishing pole and ceramic fish. 8 years old 10"-12" tall. Suitable 8" x 10" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $4.95 (50% off regular price with tree order) Shipped UPS 2-3 days at 12.95.

        More information or Buy online Hawaiian Umbrella Tree/Water Pot (arboricola schefflera)

      Ligustrum (ligustrum lucidum)

        Ligustrum (ligustrum lucidum)
        Native to China and eastern Asia and is now grown ornamentally in the United states. The berry of the Ligustrum has been used as a "yin" tonic in traditional Chinese medicine for a wide range of conditions, including premature aging, ringing in the ears and chronic toxicity. White flowers are attractive during late spring and early summer. Great for indoors. 28 years old. 19"x17"x23". Potted in a 14" ceramic blue/green fluted oval container as shown. Suitable 14.5"x10.5" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $11.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $95.00.

        More information or Buy online Ligustrum (ligustrum lucidum)

      Lavender Star Flower (Grewia Occidentalis)

        Lavender Star Flower (Grewia Occidentalis)
        Small evergreen tree 6¦-10¦ tall, native to Africa and Australia with 400 species worldwide. Awesome purple/mauve 1÷ wide flowers borne along the stem at the end of spring and then, occasionally, the rest of the year. Good indoors. Provide some sun to help generate blooms. 8 years old 10" tall Suitable 8" x 10" humidity tray is recommended. . To purchase add $2.95 (50% off regular price with your tree order.) Shipped UPS 2-3 days - $10.95.

        More information or Buy online Lavender Star Flower (Grewia Occidentalis)

      May we also suggest the following products:
    • Crape Myrtle-Large (Iagerstroemia Indica)
    • Blue Moss Cypress Pom-Pom - 9"x7"x26" (chamecyparis 'glauca minima')
    • Weeping Willow (salix repens 'boyd's pendula')
    • Dwarf Japanese Cedar - 17"x16"x21" (cryptomeria japonica 'globosa nana')
    • Hawaiian Umbrella Tree-Large In Lava Rock (Arboricola Schefflera)
    • Flowering White Serissa Tree of a Thousand Stars (serissa japonica)

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