Indoor Bonsai Paul Lesniewicz Special Book Sale
Sale! $15.95 By Paul Lesniewicz. The second most popular question asked by our customers (after "which tree does Bonsai Boy of New York recommend?) is "Which book do you recommend?" Unequivocally, the answer is....Indoor Bonsai by Paul Lesniewicz. Since the overwhelming majority of people in the USA purchase bonsai trees for indoor enjoyment, we think this is a thourough, east-to-understand book for beginners on the subject of cultivation and care of indoor bonsai. 208 pages - 100 color photographs 4 3/4" x 7 1/2" - soft cover ISBN: 0713717009 Sale Price - Your cost only - $15.95. Shipped via ground at $7.95. Free shipping with tree order.
Tree Sculpture v Broom Style (9" x 8 1/4"), Purple Oval
This one-of-a-kind tree sculpture is created by prominent artist Sal Villano and is fashioned with wire gages ranging from 32 to 18. The wire used is bronze anodized aluminum wire which will retain its color and strength for many years. This is the same wire that we use for training bonsai. The tree sculpture is bonded onto its base, which is a glazed ceramic bonsai, using sea sand. Since the bond is made onto a porous material, a water soluble glue is used and, therefore, the sculpture should never be placed in a dishwasher. Clean your tree sculpture with a damp, soft, lint-free cloth. Shipped UPS 2-3 days - $10.95.
Ligustrum - 16"x15"x23" (ligustrum lucidum)
Native to China and Eastern Asia and is now grown ornamentally in the United States. The berry of the Ligustrum has been used as a "yin" tonic in traditional Chinese medicine for a wide range of conditions, including premature aging, ringing in the ears, and chronic toxicity. White flowers are attractive during late spring and early summer. 28 years old. 16"x15"x23". Potted in a 14" ceramic green fluted oval container as shown. Suitable 14"x10.5"x1" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $11.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS - ground $95.00
Green Island Ficus-Small Ficus Microcarpa
Informal upright with shiny dark green leaves which are thicker than the standard ficus leaf but thinner than a Jade leaf. Develops a thick trunk and aerial roots at a relatively early age. Very easy indoor care. One of our favorites. 4 years old 6" tall Suitable 4 1/2" x 6 1/2" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $2.50 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped UPS 2-3 days at 10.95.
Japanese Flowering Quince (chaenomles 'toyo-nishiki')
rare combination of red, white and pink flowers compose a rousing floral display in late winter and throughout early spring. Prized in Japan for bonsai, jam making and for it's large colorful blooms. Deceideous. Keep outdoors. 8 years old 10" - 12" tall. Suitable 6" x 8" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $2.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS 2-3 days - $10.95.
Artificial Pine Tree
This stunning and wonderfully crafted Pine tree is a combination of collected and preserved tree trunks and realistic artificial foliage. Perfect for bookcases, entertainment centers or anywhere it may be impossible to grow a live bonsai tree. No watering, trimming or maintenance is required. With its timeless beauty evoking a feeling of nature, this accent piece accomodates any architectural setting. This is the ultimate in environmental control. Our artificial/preserved bonsai tree is hand made and planted in a 9" traditional glazed black imported ceramic container as shown. Since each tree is handmade they will range from 8"-11". Approximately 11"x10"x11". Shipped via UPS ground - $12.95.
May we also suggest the following products:
- Sweet Plum-24"x16"x24" (sageretia theezans)
- Bahama Berry (Nashia Inaguanesis)
- Crape Myrtle-Large (Iagerstroemia Indica)
- Japanese Kingsville Boxwood - 20"x17"x25" (buxus microphylla 'compacta')
- Crape Myrtle-Large (Iagerstroemia Indica)
- Mount Fuji Serissa (serissa foetida)