Japanese Five Needle Pine (pinus parvifolia) at Bonsai trees online store

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    • Japanese Five Needle Pine (pinus parvifolia)

        Japanese Five Needle Pine (pinus parvifolia)
        This Japanese White Pine is the most commonly used pine for bonsai in Japan. It is an evergreen with very short stiff needles forming blue/green tufts of foliage at the branch tips, creating an overall fine texture to the trees silouette. The brownish red cones are one to four inches long. The needles grow in groups of five which is why it is known as "five-needle-pine". Hardy. Keep outdoors. 25 years old. 17"x10"x24". Potted in an 8" ceramic blue green rectangular container as shown. Suitable 10"x8" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $5.95 (50% off regualr price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $95.00.

        More information or Buy online Japanese Five Needle Pine (pinus parvifolia)

      Cork Bark Maple (acer palmatum 'arakawa')

        Cork Bark Maple (acer palmatum 'arakawa')
        Delicate light green leaf which contrasts wonderfully with the fissured corky bark trunk. Hardy. Decideous. Keep outdoors. 20 years old. 21"x19"x19". Potted in an 8" ceramic green rectangular container as shown. Suitable 10"x8" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $5.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $49.95.

        More information or Buy online Cork Bark Maple (acer palmatum 'arakawa')

      Dwarf Flowering Jasmine - Yellow (jasminum 'parkeri')

        Dwarf Flowering Jasmine - Yellow (jasminum 'parkeri')
        A true dwarf Jasmine growing only 12" tall. Native to NW India and the Himalayas. Attractive gold/green tiny leaves. Blooms appear profusely during late winter and into spring with yellow 1/2" flowers that contrast with the bright green branches. Rare. Deciduous. Keep outdoors. 6 years old. 7" tall. Suitable 4/12"x6 1/2" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $2.50 (50% off regular price with tree order) Shipped UPS 2-3 days - $10.95.

        More information or Buy online Dwarf Flowering Jasmine - Yellow (jasminum 'parkeri')

      Andromeda - 15" x 14" x 18"  (Pieris japonica)

        Andromeda - 15" x 14" x 18" (Pieris japonica)
        The Andromeda is a broadleaved evergreen which has abundant and drooping clusters of white showy flowers throughout the spring. The fruits are not showy. Develops fiery red new shoots. Keep outdoors. 14 years old. 15" x 14" x 18" Potted in ceramic blue/green 8"x6" container as shown.Suitable 10.5"x14.5" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $11.95(50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $24.95. Allow sufficient time for us to pack and ship your order.

        More information or Buy online Andromeda - 15" x 14" x 18"  (Pieris japonica)

      Hawaiian Umbrella Tree-Medium (Arboricola Schefflera)

        Hawaiian Umbrella Tree-Medium (Arboricola Schefflera)
        This is the tree that we recommend if you are inexperienced with bonsai or you do not have a green thumb. In our opinion it is one of the easiest bonsai trees to care for and is a very beautiful "trouble-free" evergreen. If you don't know which tree to purchase as a gift for someone, this is the tree to select. This versatile tree is great for home, office, dorm or anywhere and does well in low to high lighting conditions. Our tree features tiny umbrella shaped leaves forming a dense green canopy. Very popular and easy indoor care. 8 years old 8"-12" tall Suitable 8"x10" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $2.95 (50% off regular price with tree order).Shipped UPS 2-3 days - 11.95. Now available in a wide variety of styles.

        More information or Buy online Hawaiian Umbrella Tree-Medium (Arboricola Schefflera)

      Willow Leaf Fig - Root Over Rock - 21"x19"x25" (ficus nerifolia/salicafolia)

        Willow Leaf Fig - Root Over Rock - 21"x19"x25" (ficus nerifolia/salicafolia)
        The Willow Leaf Fig is an evergreen tropical species of Fig which originated in Indonesia. The leaves are narrow, dark green and one to three inches long and only a half inch to three quarters of an inch wide which gives it a striking resemblance to the Weeping Willow tree. New leaves are bronze to pinkish in color and usually curl to the right or to the left and straighten as they mature. Flowering and fruiting are insignificant. Great for indoors. 22 years old. 21"x19"x25". Potted in a 16" blue ceramic fluted oval container as shown. Suitable 10.5"x14.5" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $11.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $95.00.

        More information or Buy online Willow Leaf Fig - Root Over Rock - 21"x19"x25" (ficus nerifolia/salicafolia)

      May we also suggest the following products:
    • Crape Myrtle-Large (Iagerstroemia Indica)
    • Japanese Maple Filagree (acer palmatum dissectum)
    • Blue Moss Cypress Pom-Pom - 9"x7"x26" (chamecyparis 'glauca minima')
    • Panda Figurine - Small
    • Crape Myrtle-Large (Iagerstroemia Indica)
    • Chinese Elm (ulmus parvifolia)

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