Anthurium - In Hawaiian Lava Rock "small talk" (anthurium andraeanum) at Bonsai trees online store

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    • Anthurium - In Hawaiian Lava Rock "small talk" (anthurium andraeanum)

        Anthurium - In Hawaiian Lava Rock "small talk" (anthurium andraeanum)
        Anthurium is the most popular and long lasting of all tropical flowers. Our premium red Anthurium, from anthos, meaning flower, and oura, meaning tail, refers to the many tiny-like spadix. These bright red shaped beauties are the most well known the world over. Real Hawaiian lava rock is hand selected to provide a happy home for your Anthurium. Our Anthuriums have been specially hybridized for use as houseplants due to their trouble-free growing requirements. With reasonable care your volcano bonsai should last for years. Place in a bright window or on a countertop without direct sun and just keep a small amount of water in the saucer/tray provided. Fertilize monthly at 1/2 strength with a soluable fertilizer found at your local garden shop or on our website. 3 years old. 6" - 7" tall. Suitable 7" round humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $2.95 (50% off regular price with tree order. Shipped UPS 2-3 days - $10.95.

        More information or Buy online Anthurium - In Hawaiian Lava Rock "small talk" (anthurium andraeanum)

      Baby Jade - Small Portulacaria Afra

        Baby Jade - Small Portulacaria Afra
        This succulent bonsai also known as the "elephant bush" is native to South Africa and has leaves that are almost round and only about the size of the common Jade plant. The fleshy trunk, branches and leaves are able to store water for a long period of time which makes it particularly well suited for travelers or in any situation where you may have difficulty watering. It can go up to one week without suffering any ill effects. An ideal bonsai for the home, office or anywhere maintenance may be neglected. 4 years old. 6" tall. Suitable 41/2"x61/2" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $2.50 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS 2-3 days -$10.95.

        More information or Buy online Baby Jade - Small Portulacaria Afra

      Table Top Water Fountain Oriental Garden 9"x7"x8"

        Table Top Water Fountain Oriental Garden 9"x7"x8"
        Table Top Water Fountain Enjoy the ambience of this delightful miniaturized oriental garden right in your own home, office, or wherever you would like to promote a calm, serene atmosphere. Watch as water is pumped into the open end of the bamboo spout causing it to overbalance and tip the water out into the overflowing pot below. The addition of life-like foliage, a lighted glass bowl sitting atop a wooden tripod, polished stones for you to place, and a miniaturized bamboo fence as a backdrop, make this fountain unique. The resin base, which will not leak or seep, comes in a rich warm, wood tone and measures 9"x7"x8". Submersible, long-lasting, UL approved, totally quiet, mini re-circulating pump is included. No assembly required simply add water and plug it in. 9"x7"x8" 8 lbs. Shipped via UPS ground - $10.95. Depending upon city and state, allow up to 6 business days for delivery.

        More information or Buy online Table Top Water Fountain Oriental Garden 9"x7"x8"

      Dish Garden

        Dish Garden
        Two different bonsai trees are included in our dish garden. The rocks selected for this unusual arrangement are imported and washed in acid, which makes them strikingly unique. The trees selected are low maintenance, indoor material and are easy to care for. 9" v 11" tall. 4-5 year old trees. Suitable 8" x 10" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase, add $4.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS 2-3 days - $12.95.

        More information or Buy online Dish Garden

      Artificial - 10" x 6" x 10" Pine Tree

        Artificial - 10" x 6" x 10" Pine Tree
        These stunning and wonderfully crafted Pine trees are a combination of collected and preserved tree trunks. Perfect for bookcases, mantels,entertainment centers or anywhere it nay be impossible to grow a live bonsai tree. No watering, trimming or maintenance is required. With its timeless beauty evoking a feeling of nature, this accent piece accomodates any architectural setting. This is the ultimate in environmental control. Our artificial/preserved bonsai is planted in a traditional green imported ceramic container. 3lbs. 10"x6"x10". Shipped via UPS ground - $8.95.

        More information or Buy online Artificial - 10" x 6" x 10" Pine Tree

      Gardenia (Large) (Jasminoides "Radicans")

        Gardenia (Large) (Jasminoides "Radicans")
        The irresistible large white fragrant flowers of the Gardenia explode with blooms from May to August under ideal conditions. The tree¦s dark green waxy foliage makes a beautiful contrast to the delicate flowers. Best to place outdoors in summer and fall for optimum blooms. 6 years old 10" tall Suitable 6" x 8" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $2.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped UPS 2-3 days - $11.95.

        More information or Buy online Gardenia (Large) (Jasminoides "Radicans")

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