Ficus - Curved Trunk (ficus exotica)
Very full tight canopy with pleasing shaped trunk. Trim foliage to maintain compact shape. Does very well indoors. 9 years old. 14" - 16" tall. Suitable 6" x 8" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $1.95 (50% off regular price with tree order) Shipped UPS 2-3 days - $13.95.
Chinese Elm (ulmus parvifolia)
Has small evergreen serrated leaves which is ideal for bonsai. Hardy, with excellent branching charachteristics. Popular indoor bonsai. 5 tree group, 7-15 years old. 19"x15"x14". Potted in a 19" oval brown mica container as shown. Shipped via UPS ground - $59.95.
Ficus v Corkscrew (ficus exotica)
This coiled Ficus has 3 complete spirals which form the trunk of the tree. This popular tree is recommended for home or office and does well in low to high lighting conditions. Very easy to care for. 10 years old. 22" - 26" tall. Suitable 6" x 8" humidity tray is recommended. To Purchase add $2.95 (50% off regular price with tree order. Shipped via UPS 2-3 days - $19.95.
Bonsai Cut Dressing Seals Tree Wounds
Traditional dressing used to seal tree wounds against insects, disease, andweather to speed healing and minimize the shock of wounds when stylingbonsai or repairing branches. Quick drying sealant containing insecticidesand fungicides that forms a smooth, dark cover that remains quite flexible. 100 gram tube Shipped via UPS ground unless shipped with tree order - $7.95.
Japanese Maple (acer palmatum)
Decideous. Keep outdoors. 16 years old. 10"x10"x13". Potted in a 7" ceramic blue/green rectangular container as shown. Suitable 10"x8" humidity tray is recommended. To purchase add $4.95 (50% off regular price with tree order). Shipped via UPS ground - $14.95.
Imported Glazed Ceramic Pot - Green Rectangular XL - 9" x 6 1/2" x 2 1/2"
Imported glazed ceramic pot. Measures 9" x 6 1/2" x 2 1/2". Shipped via ground unless shipped with tree order - $10.95.
May we also suggest the following products:
- Fukien Tea (carmona)
- Japanese Five Needle Pine (pinus parvifolia)
- Osmanthus (heterophyllus µgoshiki¦)
- Crape Myrtle-Large (Iagerstroemia Indica)
- Japanese Kingsville Boxwood - 13"x11"x12" (buxus microphylla 'compacta')
- Japanese Maple Filagree (acer palmatum dissectum)