Q: How can you tell Bill Clinton from a bunch of dead bodies?
Q: How many Bill Clintons does it take to change a lightbulb?
Q: How many Bill Clintons does it take to change a lightbulb?
Q: How many Bill Clintons does it take to change a lightbulb?
Q: Why are people in Arkansas having peanut butter and jelly for Thanksgiving this year?
Q: Why are people in Arkansas having peanut butter and jelly for Thanksgiving this year?
Q: What's Bill's fondest wish now?
Q: What's a Clinton sandwich?
Q: Why do they always fly around a live turkey in a cage on Air Force 1?
Q: Did you hear that the Clinton's had Air Force 1 remodeled?
Q: Why is Bill Clinton called "middle of the road Democrat"?
Q: Why is Bill Clinton's economic plan called positively atheist?
Q: If Bill and Hillary jumped together off the Washington monument, who'd land first?
Q: How did Bill Clinton get a crick in his neck?
Q: If Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and Tipper took a boat ride and the boat capsized, who would be saved?
Q: Why is Bill Clinton diverting federal funds from improving schools to improving jails?
Q: Why does Chelsea look so stupid and ugly?
Q: Why did Bill and Hillary send Chelsea to a private school?
Q: What do Clinton and JFK have in common?
Q: What happened when Bill Clinton got a shot of testosterone?
Q: Did you hear Chrysler is introducing a new car to commemorate President Clinton's election?
Q: Why does the secret service guard Hillary so closely?
Q: How many Clinton administration officials does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Q: How many republicans does it take to raise your taxes?
Q: How many republicans does it take to disarm the law abiding public so that the government can enforce totalitarianistic and unconstitutional laws?
Q: How many Clinton White House officials does it take to change a lightbulb?
Q: Why do liberals travel in threes?
Q: What kind of neckwear does Hillary Clinton look best in?
Q: What kind of jewelry does Hillary look best in?
Q: What Biblical and Renaissance characters does Hillary most resemble?
Q: What's the best place to photograph Clinton Administration officials?
Q: What's a conservative?
Q: Why are people in Arkansas having peanut butter and jelly for Thanksgiving this year?
Q: Why are people in Arkansas having peanut butter and jelly for Thanksgiving this year?
Q: Why are people in Arkansas having peanut butter and jelly for Thanksgiving this year?
Q: What were Bill and Chelsea Clinton doing in the voting booth?
Q: What does Teddy Kennedy have that Bill Clinton wishes he did?
Q: What's the difference between Personal Injury lawyers and Congress?
Q: How did Bill and Hillary Clinton meet?
Q: How can you tell when Bill Clinton is lying?
Q: How can you tell when Bill Clinton is telling a lie by looking at his face?
Q: What do Bill Clinton and a fifteen-watt light bulb have in common?
Q: What does Clinton do to lose weight?
Q: How can you tell when Clinton is ready for battle [in Bosnia]?
Q: What's Clinton's favorite baseball team?
Q: What is a conservative?
Q: What do you get when you cross a crooked lawyer with a crooked politician?
Q: You know what the problem with political jokes is, don't you?
Q: What famouse Arkansas State Supreme Court decision is Hilary Clinton famous for?
Q: Why is Chelsea Clinton a miracle child?
Q: Why did Bill Clinton cross the road?
Q: Why can't Bill Clinton file a defamation of character suit against his critics?
Q: If called to testify in a trial how long will it before before Clinton commits perjury?
Q: How many helicopters does it take for White House aides to go play a round of golf?
Q: Why did Bill Clinton cross the road?
Q: How are Boris Becker and President Clinton alike?
Q: Did you hear they put two new faces on Mt. Rushmore?
Q: Did you know that Clinton's cat can play Chess?
Q: Who would become President of the U.S.A if the President died?
Q: How does Bill Clinton change a light bulb? A: He doesn't. He whines a while, says "I feel your pain", and gets congress to pass a billion dollar light security bill, and blames republicans and special interests for not making lightbulbs free. Q: What do the Republicans have that Bill Clinton wishes he had?
Q: How can you tell that the guy who attacked the White house with a plane was insane? A: He seems to have thought Clinton would be in his own bedroom at night. Q: What did Hillary tell Bill when the Paula Jones story broke?
Q: When will there be a woman in the White House?
Q: What's the difference between Bill Clinton and a container of yogurt?
Q: What is the best thing that ever came out of Arkansas?
Q: Why does Clinton always have a stupid grin on his face?
Q: Why is Clinton prone to losing his voice?
Q: How do you know when a liberal is really dead?
Q: How does Al Gore spell potato?
Q: Why is Chelsea growing up a confused child?
Q: What did Boris Yelstin say when asked if meeting Clinton made want to convert Russia to the type of government they have in America?
Q: Why doesn't Bill like old houses?
Q: What's the differents between Bill Clinton and an elephant?
Q: What's the difference between Bill Clinton and David Koresh?
Q: What's the difference between Bill Clinton and David Koresh?
Q: What's the difference between Bill Clinton and Joseph Stalin?
Q: How many Hillary Clintons does it take to change a light bulb?
Q: What's the difference between Janet Reno and a school bus driver?
Q: How does Bill keep Gennifer Flowers away from the White House?
Q: Why were there two presidential limousines in the inaugural parade?
Q: How has Clinton made his cabinet look more like America?
Q: What is the difference between Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter?
Q: How do you spot Al Gore in a room full of secret service agents?
Q: What were the three toughest years in Al Gore's life?
Q: If Rodham gets health care, Bentsen gets treasury, and Aspin gets defense, what does Gore get?
Q: What will Bill's favorite retail outlet be after his economic blueprint takes effect?
Q: What was the real purpose of Bill's college visit to Moscow?
Q: What is Clinton's plan to create thousands of small businesses?
Q: Why is Bill infuriated with Chelsea's new private school?
Q: What's the difference between Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter?
Q: Why did Bill go out to sea on an aircraft carrier?
Q: Why did Clinton choose Canada as the site for his summit with Yeltsin?
Q: What does Clinton have in common with his Hollywood pals?
Q: Why did the Davidians commit suicide?
Q: Why are there more jokes about Waco than Jonestown?
Q: What do a Wendy's Hamburger and the Waco compound have in common?
Q: What is the only thing worse than an incompetent liberal President?
Q: What is the first thing that President Clinton says after waking up?
Q: What has Clinton done that no one has been able to do in the last 5 years?
Q: Why did Clinton waffle on military action in Bosnia?
Q: How many Democrats does it take to destroy a light bulb?
Q: When did Clinton's friends become sure that he had political ambitions?
Q: What does Bill Clinton have in common with former great Presidents?
Q: What is the difference between Bill Clinton and Elvis?
Q: Why did the IRS recently audit Bill Clinton?
Q: How is Clinton's health care reform a lot like his haircut?
Q: What is the difference between a liberal and a puppy?
Q: Why were the Clintonites pushing the BTU Tax?
Q: What is the basement where White House staffers work called?
Q: Why aren't Clinton White House staffers given coffee breaks?
Q: How can you identify a computer that has been in use at the Clinton White House?
Q: How can you tell if it was a shared computer used by many staffers?
Q: What is the difference between an intelligent liberal and Bigfoot?
Q: How is Bill Clinton like a passive-restraint device?
Q: How is Bill like a character actor?
Q: What is Hillary's favorite holiday?
Q: How do you break a Bill Clinton supporter's finger?
Q: What does Jeffrey Dahmer's victims and The Clintons' hair styles have in common?
Q: If The Clinton's were younger, do you think they would have known the Clampents?
Q: Why doesn't Hillary cut Bill's hair?
Q: What are the two worst things about Bill Clinton?
Q: What is the Arkansas state flower?
Q: Know how to solve the Serbian/Bosnian problem in less than 48 hours?
Q: What's the difference between a Bill Clinton and a carp?
Q: What's the difference between Hillary Clinton and a pit bull?
Q: How does Bill Clinton say "I'm about to hurt you"?
Q: What is the difference between Dan Quayle, Bill Clinton and Jane Fonda?
Q: How can you tell Bill Clinton apart from a cow?
Q: What do you get when you give Bill Clinton a penny for his thoughts?
Q: What do you get when you cross Bill Clinton with a gorilla?
Q: What is Clinton's favorite war song?
Q: What costume did Bill Clinton wear to a Halloween party that scared everyone to death?
Q: Why is Perot's wife glad he didn't get elected?
Q: What is the difference between liberalism and socialism?
Q: What is the difference between Clinton's health care plan and a kidney stone?
Q: What is the difference between Hitler and Bill Clinton?
Q: What is the difference between the U.S. and the former USSR?
Q: What does Clinton need to stop the white water?
Q: Why are they renaming Arkansas Highway 50 the "Bill Clinton Highway?"
Q: What do Hillary Clinton and the Dallas Cowboys have in common?
Q: What is the difference between TV characters Dan and Roseanne Conner and the Clintons?
Q: What is the difference between Whitewater and Watergate?
Q: What is Hillary's new nickname after her latest hairstyle?
Q: What are the administration's favorite words in foreign policy?
Q: What would one get with a donation to Rostenkowski's legal fund?
Q: Why are staff cuts so difficult for Clinton?
Q: Which of the following does not belong: AIDS, gonorrhea, herpes, or Bill Clinton?
Q: Why was Roger Clinton's wedding delayed 5 days?
Q: How are Congressmen and baseball players alike?
Q: Why did the chicken cross the Atlantic?
Q: What do you get when you cross Bill Clinton and James Dean?
Q: How did we know long before the Haiti invasion that Clinton was planning to go to war?
Q: How is Bill Clinton like an unemployed school teacher?
Q: What's the difference between Bill Clinton and a pickpocket?
Q: What does Hillary have in common with the city of Buffalo?
Q: Why does the Clinton administration want to reinvent government?
Q: Who should Clinton have used to overthrow Haiti's military?
Q: Why is Clinton so interested in events in the Middle East?
Q: Why does Hillary think her husband is a model president?
Q: What does Hillary Clinton have in common with Gerald Ford?
Q: What's the difference between the Waco ATF and Bill Clinton?
Q: What do call someone who sees the glass in front of him half full?
Q: Well, then what do you call someone who sees the glass in front of him as half empty?
Q: What did Teddy Kennedy say when he heard of JFK's assassination?
Q: Why did Ted Kennedy spend four hours in the voting booth?
Q: Why did the Clintons switch from MCI to AT&T?
Q: What's the difference between President Hoover and Clinton?
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Q: What's the difference between Clinton and Christopher Reeve?
Q: Where are the two biggest airbags located?
Q: Who was the first liberal Democrat?
Q: Did you hear that someone threw a bottle of beer at Clinton?
Q: What's Bill Clinton's least expensive hobby?
Q: Did you hear that Tyson Foods has genetically engineered a new breed of chicken and named it in honor of Bill Clinton?
Q: Why is Bill Clinton the living proof of reincarnation?
Q: Do you know why Clinton gave the Federal employees the day off on Wednesday?
Q: What's a word for Clintons '92 campaign
Q: What will you get if Clinton's health bill passes?
Q: How many Democrats does it take to change a lightbulb?
Q: What's the best job a dumb blonde ever had?
Q: Have you heard about the new Bill Clinton doll?
Q: What do Hillary Clinton and Marie Antoinette have in common?
Q: Why does Hillary Clinton often wear turtle necks when attending Bill's speaking engagements?
Q: What's Clinton doing to make Americans happy? |
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