A day without sunshine is like night. A disagreeable task is its own reward. A donkey is a horse designed by a study team. A fail-safe circuit will destroy others. A flying particle will seek the nearest eye. A fool and his money are soon elected. A fool and his money stabilize the economy. A free agent is anything but. A friend in need is a pest indeed. A geophysicist is not drunk as long as he can hang onto a single blade of grass and not fall off the face of the earth A good scapegoat is hard to find. A good slogan can stop analysis for fifty years. A good solution can be successfully applied to almost any problem. A lack of leadership is no substitute for inaction. A little ambiguity never hurt anyone. A little humility is arrogance. A little inaccuracy saves a world of explanation. A little ignorance can go a long way. A man of quality does not fear a woman seeking equality. A man should be greater than some of his parts. |
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