Who's there ! Atomic ! Atomic who ? Atomic ache! Who's there ! Havelock ! Havelock who ? Havelock put on your door ! Who's there ! Hanover ! Hanover who ? Hanover your money ! Who's there ! Deanne ! Deanne who ? Deanne'swer my friend, is blowin' in the wind ! Who's there ! Brewster ! Brewster who ? Brewsters can wake you up in the morning singing cock-a-doodle doo ! Who's there ! Jade ! Jade who ? Jade a whole cake today ! Who's there ? Cologne ! Cologne who ? Cologne me names won't help ! Who's there ? Kyoto ! Kyoto who ? Kyoto church before the ghosts get you ! Who's there ! Len ! Len who ? Len us a fiver will you ! Who's there ! Caroline ! Caroline who ? Caroline of rope with you ! Who's there ! Boiler ! Boiler who ? Boiler egg for four minutes ! Who's there ! Dinah ! Dinah who ? Dinah is served ! Who's there ! House ! House who ? House you doing ! Who's there ! Joyce ! Joyce who ! Joyce of a new generation ! Who's there ! Courtney! Courtney who ? Courtney criminals recently ! Who's there ! Amsterdam ! Amsterdam who ? Amsterdam is like plum jam, but made from hamsters ! Who's there ! Goose ! Goose who ! Goose who's knocking at your door ! Who's there ! Axel ! Axel who ? Axel grease ! Who's there ! Ferrer ! Ferrer who ? Ferrer'vrything there is a season ! Who's there ! Kentucky ! Kentucky who ? Kentucky too well, have a sore throat ! Who's there ! Juice ! Juice who ! Juice still want to know ? Who's there ! Hallie ! Hallie who ? Hallie-tosis, your breath stinks ! Who's there ! Greg ! Greg who ? Gregs balls of fire ! Who's there ! Isaac ! Isaac who ? Isaac coming out ? Who's there ! Handel ! Handel who ? Handel with care ! Who's there ! Cosmo ! Cosmo who ? Cosmo trouble than you're worth ! Who's there ! Harmon ! Harmon who ? Harmon on your side ! Who's there ! House boy ! House boy who ? Great, House boy you ? Who's there ! Ice cream ! Ice cream who ? Ice cream and scream and scream until I'm sick ! Who's there ! Ivan ! Ivan who ? It's not Ivan who, it's Ivanhoe ! Who's there ! Ida ! Ida who ? Ida terrible time getting here ! Who's there ! Biro ! Biro who ? Biro light of the moon ! Who's there ! Fascist ! Fascist who ? Fascist you can go ! Who's there ? Annie! Annie who ? Annie one you like ! Knock Knock Who's there ! Anthea ! Anthea who ? Anthea get home by 8 O'clock, or else ! Who's there ? Red ! Red who ? Red peppers. Isn't that a hot one ! Who's there ! Buster ! Buster who ? Buster the cemetery, please ! Who's there ! Heaven ! Heaven who ? Heaven seen you in ages ! Who's there ! Carlo ! Carlo who ? Carlo-ad of junk ! Who's there ? Rosa ! Rosa who ? Rosa carrots grow in our garden ! Who's there ? Kurt & Conan ! Kurt & Conan who ? Kurt & Conan down down on the last act ! Who's there ! Auto ! Auto who ? Auto know, but I've forgotten ! Who's there ! Elizabeth ! Elizabeth who ? Elizabeth of knowledge is a dangerous thing ! Who's there ! Lou ! Lou? Lou's your money at the races ! Who's there ! Lucille ! Lucille ? Lucille-ing is dangerous if you are tall ! Who's there ! Nana ! Nana who ? Nana you business ! Who's there ! Fleur ! Fleur who ? Fleur-ide toothpaste ! Who's there ! Perth ! Perth who ? Perth your lips and whistle ! Who's there ! Foster ! Foster who ? Foster than a speeding bullet ! Who's there ! Lee King ! Lee King who ? Lee King Bucket ! Who's there ! Owen ! Owen who ? Owen you open this door, I'm going to give you such a roasting ! Who's there ! Allocate ! Allocate who ? Allocate, how are you dear ? Who's there ! Doris ! Doris who ? Doris dropping off its hinges with all this knocking ! Who's there ? Ryder ! Ryder who ? Ryder fast on your bike ! Who's there ! Aramis ! Aramis who ? Aramis'tery ! Who's there ! Dickon ! Dickon who ? Dickon the right answer ! Who's there ! Bush ! Bush who ? Bush your money where your mouth is ! Who's there ! Louise ! Louise ? Louise coming to tea today ! Who's there ! Nevada ! Nevada who ? Nevada saw you look so bad, you should be bed ! Who's there ? Rena ! Rena who ? Rena this bell doesn't do any good ! Who's there ! Serpent ! Serpent who ? Serpents are working hard sir ! Who's there ! Lucetta ! Lucetta ? Lucetta a tricky problem ! Who's there ! Fletcher ! Fletcher who ? Fletcher self go ! Who's there ! Greta ! Greta who ! Greta job ! Who's there ! Lionel ! Lionel who ? Lionel bite you if you put your head in its mouth ! Who's there ! Ashley ! Ashley who ? Ashley-t's foot ! Who's there ! Dwight ! Dwight who ? Dwight way and the wrong way ! Who's there ? Kyle ! Kyle who ? Kyle be good if you let me in ! Who's there ! Butcher ! Butcher who ? Butcher money where your mouth is ! Who's there ? Doc ! Doc who ? Doc turkey ! Who's there ! Noise ! Noise who ? Noise to see you ! Who's there ! Lady ! Lady who ? Lady law down ! Who's there ! Cassie ! Cassie who ? Cassie the forest for the trees ! Who's there ! Bean ! Bean who ? Bean fishing lately ? Who's there ! Listz ! Listz who ? Listz of ingredients ! Who's there ! Diane ! Diane who ? Diane to meet you ! Who's there ! Anita Loos ! Anita Loos who ? Anita Loos about 10 pounds ! Who's there ? Closure ! Closure who ? Closure mouth when you eat ! Who's there ! Castor ! Castor who ? Castorblanca ! Who's there ? Renata ! Renata who ? Renata milk, could I borrow some ! Who's there ! Stan ! Stan who ? Stan back, I'm coming through ! Who's there ! Sizzle ! Sizzle who ? Sizzle hurt me more than it will hurt you ! Who's there ? Khan ! Khan who ? Khan to where the flavor is ! Who's there ! Sneezy ! Sneezy who ? Sneezy as pie ! Who's there ! Leona ! Leona who ? Leona'ly way to go ! Who's there ! Schachter ! Schachter who ? Schachter Ripper. Feel like cutting up ? Who's there ! Listz ! Listz who ? Listz of ingredients ! Who's there ! Conga ! Conga who? Conga go on meeting like this ! Who's there ? Rhoda ! Rhoda who ? Rhoda boat as fast as you can ! Who's there ! Data ! Data who ? Data remember ! Who's there ! Datsun ! Datsun who ? Datsun old joke ! Who's there ! Arnold ! Arnold who ? Arnold friend of yours is a friend of mine ! Who's there ! Ocelot ! Ocelot who ? Ocelot of questions don't you ! Who's there ! Phyllis ! Phyllis who ! Phyllis in on the news ! Who's there ! Duffy ! Duffy who ? Duffy few, the proud, the Marines ! Who's there ! Eisenhower ! Eisenhower who ? Eisenhower late for school this morning ! Who's there ! Germaine ! Germaine who ! Germaine you don't recognize me ! Who's there ! Passion ! Passion who ? Passion through and I thought I'd say hello! Who's there ! Galway ! Galway who ! Galway, your annoying me ! Who's there ! Bernadette ! Bernadette who ? Bernadette ate all my dinner and now I'm starving ! Who's there ! Juan ! Juan who ! Juan of these days, pow, right in the kisser ! |
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