Computer Geek Quiz 1. I have moss growing: A) In my garden B) In my bathroom C) In my kitchen D) On my teeth 2. When I open my mouth at parties, people: A) Listen B) Ease away slowly C) Stuff a live weasel down my throat 3. I think computers are: A) Uninteresting B) Interesting C) Too damn small for the stuff I want to do 4. I think sheep are: A) Uninteresting B) Interesting C) Annoyingly far away from where I live 5. The Usenet Oracle is: A) A pack of weenies who think about "Lisa" way too much B) Interesting C) Not appreciative of the great answers I write; the Priesthood is out to get me 6. The gender I desire to have sexual relations with is: A) Difficult to understand B) Impossible to understand C) Clearly from a different planet D) How should I know? I've only seen pictures 7. Bill Gates is: A) Bill who? B) Very wealthy C) Head of Microsoft, which produces some widely used products D) The Antichrist 8. In general, people: A) Like me B) Don't like me C) People? What people? 9. My friends are: A) Diverse B) People I know from work or school C) Wearing the same clothing I am 10. My dream vacation is: A) Tibet B) Europe C) California D) In a room with lots of fluorescent lights and an unlimited supply of coffee 11. My job prospects are: A) Abysmal B) Adequate C) I'll never be out of work, you hear me? Never! D) They pay people to do this? Score 0 for each A, 1 for each B, 2 for each C, and 3 for each D. 19 or more: Yep. You're a computer geek, all right. 13 - 18: You're a geek of some stripe or another. 7 - 12: Probably not a geek, but watch it... 0 - 6: If you're of the opposite sex, could you leave a note for me in the personals column? Please? Hello? Computer Affairs Signs your spouse is having an affair by computer: 1. Lately she sits at the computer naked. 2. After signing off, she always has a cigarette. 3. The giant rubber inflatable disk drive. 4. In the morning, the computer screen is all fogged up. 5. She's gotten amazingly good at typing one handed. 6. She makes sarcastic remarks about your 'software'. 7. Lipstick on the mouse. 8. During sex she screams 'A-colon backslash enter insert!' 9. The jam in the laser printer is a pair of panties. 10.The fax file is filled with pictures of some guy's behind |
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