Top Ten Inventions By Blonds The waterproof towel Solar-powered flash light Submarine screen door A book on how to read Inflatable dart board A dictionary index Ejector seat in a helicopter Powdered water Pedal-powered wheelchair Waterproof tea bags
A blonde, a brunette and a redhead all tried out for the same job as road
stripers. The boss told them they would all work for three days and whoever
painted the most would get the job. At the end of the first day, the redhead
had painted three miles, the brunette had painted 2.5 miles and the blonde had
painted 10 miles . The boss was so excited he told her to keep it up and the
job was hers. The next day, the redhead painted five miles and the brunette 5.6
A blonde walked into a hairdresser's with a pair of headphones on
and asked the hairdresser for a haircut - but "don't touch the
headphones o.k.?" "Fine" said the hairdresser - a little taken aback
- but happy for the work. Three weeks later, the same blonde returned
and asked for another haircut but with the same condition, "Whatever
you do ... don't touch the headphones." "No problem," said the
hairdresser who went on to give her another good cut, considering the
restraint. Three weeks later, the same thing happened "and don't
How did the blonde break her leg playing hockey with the Toronto
Maple Leafs?
She fell out of the tree.
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